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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. lzfan715

    Roberts Jeans

    But would he do good with the baggy pants that people wear at their knees?
  2. I pay to go and watch Jimmy give a guitar lesson. That guy must not have known what he was witnessing.
  3. I don't plan on burning in hell. They probably think we will go to hell though. But I don't think God hates the world. It says in the bible that there will be some kind of war before he comes back anyway, doesn't mean he hates us though.
  4. lzfan715

    Roberts Jeans

    i like the jeans with the doves on them. I always wanted some.
  5. We're be having coneys, and then open presents for the extended family. I know this sounds bad, but it sin't all that fun. I don't always get along with them, it's mainly because of the music I listen to, and they'll just have to get over it because I love the music I listen too. Music is a deep part of who I am and I guess that they can just not like me over it.
  6. And I supposed that they're the only saved ones?
  7. I'm worn out and it's only quarter till 4. My grandma is having a huge family get together for Christmas. My cousins are coming and my grandma's brother is coming. My uncle and his girlfriend will also be here.
  8. I jsut got here. I"ve been busy all day preparing for afamily Christmas dinner tonight. Hetty, your dog is really pretty, she is skinny, but she's pretty.
  9. Me too. Sometimes I say about things like skirts and such Would Janis have worn this? If yes, then I will if no, my mom says yes and I have to.
  10. A black and red '77 t shirt, dark wash jeans, white ankle socks, two hair ties on my left wrist, and contacts.
  11. I love the oranges, they look almost fake. It add to the mystic quality of the cover, imo.
  12. Maggie ate one of my leather coats. She isn't supposed to be on my bed but at about 10 every night she comes in a scratches at the edge of my bed until I pick her up and put her in bed with me. I almost put "sleeps with me" too but then realized what I said.
  13. People here dno't like when guys have long hair. They like it's strange. The truth is the town I live in is strange.
  14. Maggie listens to music with me and she sleeps in my bed. She's just like having a little baby. In fact, she's sitting under a blanket in the chair beside me, watching the cars go by and listening to No Quarter.
  15. Maggie needs a bath she is starting to smell. I went a weekend trip last weekend and they had a gourment (sp? i can't spell) pet store there and I like to buy things for my pets so I got her a organis dog treat. It's shaped like a cupcake and has icing on it. She better like it becausse I paid nearly two dollars for it. Anyway back to the point of the story, I got her some shampoo that smells like gingerbread men.
  16. Awwwwww, they're precious. Elsa looks so tiny and cuddly and then Emmi reminds me of a giant cottonball. She looks like she'd be warm to cuddle with on a cold winter day.
  17. You've made some gorgous sigs. I was wondering, can you make me one that combines Led Zeppelin and Janis Joplin? I'd really apriciete (sp?) it. You don't have to put words or anything in it, if you don't want too. You have freedom with the pictures and everything. And I love pyschedelic colors.
  18. ^No, no phone number. That picture says Bootycall, but it's hard tell if that shirt does because that picture has been photoshopped one too many times.
  19. I like your hair, it's pretty. Even if you are a guy. If you came here people would stare at you. They stare at my hair which is like if Robert went brunette.
  20. Thank you, she's a buff cocker spaniel. She knows what faces to make when she's in trouble too, it's so cute. I have birds too, but I don't have any pictures of them on the computer to my knowledge. At least not here, since I'm at my grandma's Ionly have access to my photobucket pictures.
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