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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Not everyone celebrates Christmas, so they want to be politically correct. I don't worry about it though for 2 reasons 1. I celebrate Christmas, and therefore that's what I'm gonna say to people. It's the Christmas season after all, and they play Christmas music. 2. holidays is a word formed from 2 different words; holy and days. So if you loko at ilt that way they're wishing you happy holy days.
  2. It's okay, I was nearly 13000 miles off of some city. I like white chocolate, it's my favorite kind.
  3. MY mom says I have the same face shape as Alison Krauss- round. But she said it was ok because I won't wrinkle as much. I didn't have a problem with her saying I had the same face shape as her, even though I'm a girl and it may be weird, I think she's pretty.
  4. I celebrate Christmas, so I'm going to wish everyone a happy Christmas.
  5. What kind of cake? MY g'ma bought some angel food cake last night at the party and ti had icing on it. The icing was good but the cake was nasty.
  6. It's not raining, but I"d be okay if it did. I'm just getting enough points in that game to go up a level, it's really sad.
  7. Hi Noora. You have to play that game, it's addicting.
  8. They asked for Fenway Park, and I clicked California. I'm from the States and barely know that, I did better in Europe.
  9. Never heard of it, but by the sounds of it, I'd label it bad 80s music. The 80s didn't produce much good music.
  10. Hi Eline. I suck at that game. I can barely play the easy level. I just know the vicinity of the places.
  11. I asked for an ipod nano 2nd generation (they came out with the 3rd generations the day after i got mine.) mothership, tsrts, red high tops, and vinyl. I got for sure the ipod, and high tops. The rest I'm pretty sure, I just don't know for sure. My dad is a big Zep fan, and that's who I asked for it from and I probably got it. I just realized that it said what did you get: I had a Christmas party last night and got 2 tube of chapstick, a brown suede purse, a coral long sleeve shirt and a brown vintage-y shirt, an i-tunes card (since I don't have the ipod yet), a Christmas ornament, and I think that's it.
  12. Okay, bye. And it's against the law for us to go to church with school because I go to public school. In the private Christian/Cathlic schools they can but since those are privatly funded they can. The goverment funded schools can't because the goverment and the religous parts in the US are supposed to be seperate.
  13. We can't go to church with the school. I don't mind some Christain music, but I wouldn't listen to it all the type. Nothing against God, I just don't like it.
  14. That explinas it. No one at my church likes Zeppelin either. I told them I liked the Monkees too and they said that was a little better. Then they made a list of Christian bands I should listen to.
  15. Yay! My brother is younger then me, so he's around all the time. He;s coming tonight too. HE like sbands like BLack Sabbath, unfortunatly, he isn't big on Zep, but when they gang up on either one of us we're more than glad to lie and say we like the others band.
  16. Sorry, I didn't see that. It must have shown up while I was typing that message. The new forum doesn't alert you of that. And I usually get through these things okay. I'm not like a typical member of my mom's family, but it's okay. I don't want to be like them.
  17. Keep it up! Let's hope that this means a tour. (Probably not.)
  18. I will not let that happen. Even if I have to do it by myself.
  19. ^Wow, that sounds harsh. And Vannis are you still here?
  20. I certainly don't remember them. But I recently went camping with a friend and her family's camper is old and it had an 8-track player in it. I had to explainwhat it was and what an 8-track was. And the camper only got one station, it was a good one too. I fell asleep with Robert singing Babe I"m Gonna Leave you into my ear.
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