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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I"d like to be healthy than I am, but God gave me a body that works so I"m not complaining. Rabia, I'm so happy that you are better now, that didn't sound healthy.
  2. Richard you are so sweet. I wish more guys were like you.
  3. People should know that size 000 is not pretty.
  4. How old is that picture? Finally a person who doesn't look like a skeleton.
  5. I like wearing clothes. Right now I have on a blue tye dye Janis shirt and some blue denim bell bottom things.
  6. I know it's permanent. that's why I want small ones, and in places they can't always be seen so in case I change my mind, you can't see it. Vannis I just got your pm and will responed momentarily.
  7. If you are built to wear a bikini by all means wear a bikini. There is not poin tin being ashamed. God gave you a body that works right, and you should be pround. Have you seen the janis heart? It's so tiny. The ones I want are so little and in spots where you couldn't see, so it isn't like people would stare. I think tattoos are a way to express yourself.
  8. I like the second one in your first post Richard. One of my friends looks like the girl version of Robert. I call her Percy.
  9. I want to get the four symbols around the Swan Song on my hip, like really little. And the Janis heart.
  10. It's complecated. But basically I wen to n a trip this weekend and pretended I got my nose pierced. It was a joke and the chaperones thought it was great. While visting my grandparents I told them about it. My grandpa freaked. I asked him what he'd do if I got a tattoo. That p.o'd him. I got lectured about tattoos and how they're a good way to get HIV. That isn't true my dad has alot and his is perfectly healthy. I want one and I'm going to get one whether they like it or not. Then they started in on my dad. It drives me nuts. My Grandma thinks I'm to mean and "sound like my dad which is ignorant." I'm sorry, but if people want to start rumors that I smoke pot then I don't even ant to waste my time on them. She thinks I should let them get to know me. Why would I even waste my time?
  11. Sorry about logging off for a little guys. Rabia, I'm beginning to have issues with my family too. Richard, don't post more pictures you're just making the want to go worse.
  12. I'd love to visit your country, Richard. It seems gorgous.
  13. Yes, it is. And I"ve been to DC three times. I like it, it's very interesting.
  14. Yeah, I sit and talk to more people here and they say I'm anti-social. lol
  15. My grandparents are opening Xmas presents for each other since Grandpa leaves tomorrow. We should get to talk more but we don't. I talk to Vannis a lot though.
  16. I have a deep and passionate dislike for the Stones. I'm not listening to musci though. I"m at my Grandma's and my Grandpa is here and he says I'm wasting my time here and should get off and not listen to them. He is so close-minded.
  17. I've not talked to you since I've pm'd you Richard. You've missed alot. But hopefully you'll catch up soon. BTRW, I only have one exam to take!
  18. Finally Richard is here! How are you? Hello everyone.
  19. That's a good idea. I should do that. I have soo many.
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