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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Good point. What I don't get is that it isn't really English. Igot in trouble one year for beinga smart alec and spelling colour with a u. And that's how the English spell it just ask Richard. And the English say "loo" instead of bathroom. (Or at least I thought they do.)
  2. It's okay I know what you mean. And if I have a B in English, my native language how can they expect me to speak another language?
  3. I'm only taking two finals. English and French.
  4. I know what brain farts are. And I knew what the Intolerable acts were, I just had a Brain fart.
  5. I have some to do, but I have to go to Wal-Mart first. So I have to go. Bye Vannis! And Rabia, if you see this please pm and explain what is happening, I"d like to help if you want help.
  6. Why wouldn't your parents let you see them?
  7. I thought we had, but I can be delusional too.
  8. I loved eighth grade. Then I got to high school and I hate it.
  9. He'll probably intertwine them all with something like, Ahmet, thanks for everything. *turn to audience*, and say Thanks for the 35 years. And hopefully say see you soon with a smirk.
  10. Snow is good when it cancels school. What grade are you?
  11. Rabua, I hope your parents give you some freedom. But if it really bothers you, don't worry because when you turn 18 you're free. I know it's hard but don't worry. Vannis, glad your back.. Sorry your day was boring. And sorry it snowed, I"m not fond of snow.
  12. Have a safe and wonderful trip. Enjoy the show.
  13. I'm not allowed to cuss so, here are some hints, the first letter is d the second letter is a and the last letter in n. But between the a and the n is a m.
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