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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. , don't cry Robert. I wasn't there, and haven't heard this.
  2. Hey all, Just found this thread. My study hall is also 7th hour.
  3. You aren't too young for a Zep fan. I'm younger than you and Vannis is younger than me. I thought I was young for a Zep fan, which I am a little young but I'm not the youngest.
  4. I don't have LTTE, I only have three boots. I have a promo interview cd, but it was for the radio, and it's interviews from about 2001. I don't count it as a bootleg.
  5. I hate the blow up lawn ornaments. (Sorry if you have any.) They are just kinda tacky. I like really big Christmas trees though. With a star on top.
  6. What abot when he had the Priory of Brian? He cut his hair short. If I had a picture I'd post it but I don't have the pics.
  7. Richard, I hope your brother is okay. I'll keep your family in my thoughts. You've talked about your ex before, so I'm just wondering, how is she? Hopefully, she is getting better too. (Just realized how much I say hope.)
  8. I wasn't around in the 70s or the 80s, but I made it in the early ninties. Had it not been for Zep the soundtrack for me would have been Backstreet Boys or N*Stink. I know what you mean though. The release of a new album is nothing now. I'd love to camp out in front of a store waiting to get my hands on vinyl. When TSRTS came to theatres recently, I was so worried I wouldn't get tickets I bugged and bugged my mom to let me use her crdit card to get them, and finally she gave in. I hadn't ever been so excited in my life. Then I got there and I was disappointed. (Stay with me here, it isn't what you think.) There were about 20 people in the audience and two teenage girls who were just a little older then me got up and WALKED OUT! The movie was amazing. So lound I thought my head would explde, now I ccan't wait for a concert. I was for sure that more people would have showed up for such an event.
  9. I thoguth you were serious. I had a list in my head that I didn't want it to be. My first thoughts were "David Grohl? Phil Collins?" Jason is best. But anyone but Phil. He can be a little cocky and I think "replacing" Bonzo would put him on a soapbox.
  10. Hi everyone. Just thought I check and see what's been happening.
  11. It's not how long I hear, it's a matter of what I hear when I can hear. I could always get a hearing aid.
  12. If they tour I'd like the tickets to be less than $100 because I can't really afford that. But I'd buy it anyway I guess.
  13. Next year is the 40th anniversary of their first rehersal.
  14. That has to suck for them. I'd have loved to have been there, and they slept.
  15. Thanks for the clip. But, do you have a bigger picture of your avatar?
  16. I've done all of them. In a city about an hour away from us they have a plant that says *Fill in city name* Plant and when I was really little I thought Robert Plant really lived there. Needless to say I was disappointed when I found out he didn't.
  17. I watching and listening to Kashmir now. It sounds great. Jason, You did a great job. You really should be proud. Your dad would be proud.
  18. You have to be optimistic, at least they let you listen to Zeppelin. I wouldn't worry about the guy situation, things will smooth themselves over.
  19. Hetty, just ignore them. Some people are like that about Zep. Just look at it this way, those peole are jealous because they don't have the talent that the members of Zep do. Don't worry about, my family does it to. (Not my Dad, because he introduced me to them.) They'll get over. Just stick to your principles.
  20. Me neither. ButI"m gonna go see Robert and Allison.
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