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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. It's there. And Gallows Pole has the d word in it.
  2. It's very clear in Hots On For Nowhere. "I've got friends who would give a F* all."
  3. And I'd say you prefer not to have an arranged marriage because if you say you don't or won't they may get uptight about it.
  4. I'd take it to them when you know they have time to talk to you, you're more likely to make more progress. Say to them, that you'er getting older and just want to know where things stand. Tell them your side, that you prefer to not have an arranged marriage. I'd just explain how you feel, and listen to how they feel. Since your 16 they have time to think about. But since this is America when you turn 18 you no longer have to do what your parents say.
  5. How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?
  6. That must be a terrible place to be put in. Have you ever talked to your parents about getting out of the situation?
  7. So you get to pick whether you do or not? I guess you could say no, then could you pick? I don't know if I could do that.
  8. I doubt these are all "hard rock" but: 1. Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti 2. Janis Joplin - I Got Dem Kosmic Blues Again Mama. 3. The Doors - The Doors 4. Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon 5. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club 7. The Yardbirds - Five Live Yardbirds 8. Page, Clapton, Mayal, and ? - White Boy Blues 9. The Jimi Hendirx Exprience 10. And my dad says Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell.
  9. So, your parents know who it is, and you don't get to?
  10. Do you know when you get to know? Sorry to be nosy but I don't really know anything about arranged marriages.
  11. non- Zeppelin (or Zep members) songs 1. Little Girl Blue -Janis Joplin 2. Bye, Bye Baby -Janis Joplin 3. Here Comes The Sun -The Beatles 4. Alabama Song -the Beatles 5. Rhiannon -Fleetwood Mac 6. Me And Bobby McGee -Janis Joplin (espeacially the demo version) 7. Shien On You Cazy Diamond Part 1 -Pink Floyd 8. Eleanor Rigby -The Beatles 9. Somebody to Love -Jefferson Airplane 10. Maybe -Janis Joplin these are in no really order, except number one. And they can change at any time.
  12. Do you know who your supposed to marry?
  13. Vannis, that is really strange. I got a 22/20 on my spellig test in English today.
  14. If I offend someone I'm sorry. But I don't agree with arranged marriages. Rabia, I say do what you want. If there is anything I've learned this year it's don't let other people tell you how to live. And there is no reason that you can't have a great friendship with him. PS-Hello all.
  15. Nirvana, I went with on the whole Zep DVD thing, but can't people just leave them alone? They were people making music, can you just enjoy the music and not analyze everything and not try to get into their head? I thought I was about having everything you needed and not needing anything more, hence I don't want nothin' I can't use nothin'. Just my $.02.
  16. I'd take a Zeppelin class, but not if the teacher acted like whoever wrote an article like that.
  17. The closet thing Zep had to a hit? Are you kidding me? That article is a load of crap.
  18. Rabia, are you still here? Hello to anyone else who vistis this thread.
  19. I'm listening to Theme from the Monkees right now.
  20. I understand, it's getting late here. I also have spelling words to study.
  21. I think it's okay, to an extent. It comes from aborted babies, so if the body is just oing to get burned, why not try and help someone else? I don't agree with abortion, but if it's gonna happen they might as well do something with it.
  22. thank you, I have one now. It's a speech from our genious president, George Bush. I need to find on more.
  23. I can't say much a bout long distance relationships, except that they are hard, I"m reading Sarah's story too, so that why it takes some tie. And does anyone have an interesting articale about stem cell research?
  24. It doesn't show up, but they can be hard. It's hard to be friends with people over a distance, so dating must be terrible.
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