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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Where is Richard going? Did he get tickets to the show?
  2. I have, but I don't know about anyone else. And I had seen it on ebay once. But I haven't heard anything about it otherwise.
  3. Thanks for sharing stories everyone. I wasn't there and I love these stories.
  4. I want to get the Zep poster ipod cover from Wolfgang's Vault. No one will know who it is but I like it.
  5. I get that song stuff in my head all the time, so I haven't seen it lately. Great, now it's in my head.
  6. That book isn't too old, but it isn't new. I haven't read it yet either.
  7. I just got done listening to this album. I love it more every time I listen to it. Babe I"m Gonna Leave You sounds great on vinyl. (And turned up)
  8. Just ignore the rumors. I had to learn to cope to with them, and it's easier said than done, but it can be done.
  9. I'm getting moer depressed everytime I see something about the O2.
  10. The Zep poster beat some that they listed higher.
  11. I found a tape of The Monkees that I plan to watch when my Grandma goes to bed.
  12. Rabia, I'm soo glad things worked out for you.
  13. Everything will be okay Rabia. You'll make it, you just have to keep going.
  14. Give the guy a break. I like the white hair, it's a nice change.
  15. Sory, guys but I have to go. I fyou post more I'll read and comment tomorrow.
  16. When your 18, you can go to college and leave. That isn't even running away. It's called getting a higher education. Do you go to school with this guy?
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