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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Thanks 905. I"m running out of space on my computer. I have over 280 Robert pictures on top of Zeppelin, Jimmy, John, Bonzo, Janis, and other random pictures.
  2. Just got a disposable rain poncho. They come in packs of two here so you can take the other one in if you take a bag. Edited to fix spelling.
  3. Sorry, I forgot about this thread. It's on *here* click on the one that says forums. That site is ran by her brother.
  4. Hello. People appear to be online, but the question is are any of you here?
  5. That's about a 6 1/2 hour drive from me, and I'm sure that my dad would take me for this. I hope so, I'd love it. Just as long as they want to.
  6. Someone with some sense. They don't owe anyone anything. On those tours they were in self destruction mode. But people paid for it, seems to me that everyone got something. I'd love a final tour, but if it happens that is for them to decide on there own time. It's not for us to decide. It should be for their enjoyment as much as ours.
  7. I'm from America and would love a tour, but we don't deserve one more than anywhere else.
  8. My french teacher is 2.5 weeks short of having a baby.
  9. I did it in 8th, then taught myself the other day.
  10. Bye Rich. And my test had trig and I'm only in algebra one.
  11. I had that alot today. I pick the one closest to my answer.
  12. I"d rather do math. and Rich I"m glad you like to be here, I like having you here, you bring so much happiness.
  13. I didn't have to write essays, this was more math oriented.
  14. It's your choice to be here, not one is forcing you. But I like to talk to you. And you aren't old either.
  15. Just over 2.5 hours. Not including breaks either.
  16. That has to be terrible. I can't imagine it. I really hope she gets better. Look at the glass half full, at least you help her laugh, laughter can be the best medicine.
  17. I just did, it didn't show up on my computer until now. But your welcome. Maybe he'll find a girl that reminds him of Boo, then they can have a baby that looks like Boo.
  18. That might make her kill herself, I don't think Rich wants that. You could come here and date American girls Rich.
  19. That's a really hard spot for you. I'm not being mean, but have you suggested that the one girl get conseling? That's too bad, I hope that everything smoothes itself out for you.
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