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Posts posted by DeepBlackZeppelin

  1. The only other Zeppelin forum I've ever been with is Planet Zeppelin, and that wasn't even under this name, lol. It was under the name Jolly Englishman. I'm not who you think I am, but that's ok! :P

    I am guessing it's just a doppelganger that I ran up against

    Doppelganger is just a mirror image a person has of somebody they are completely not related to at all.

    I don't know why I felt like stating a German word there. One of my random moments.

    Anyways, I haven't been on the planet for a long time

  2. Awwww, such a sweet comment. I never thought that Redeyedrichard could be summed up in such a way...but it makes perfect sense. Thanks Rabia. :thumbsup:

    Why of course


    no man friend of mine has ever dedicated himself to a woman so much before


    I guess that's just a quality of musicians for some reason, like Robert or Kevin :D But, you're a step ahead.

  3. Richard,

    you are my hero

    You sacrifice your time and pledge it to the incontrovertible joy and ecstasy for the females everywhere. Bless your soul


  4. Thank you, Aqua.

    Not to sound conceited, but I do not have that mindset that most high schoolers have.

    OMG, i am so ugly, OMG

    So, I am beginning to see I don't need to think that, so I am avoiding everyday use of make up and especially surgery at all costs

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