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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 53 minutes ago, PinkyToe said:

    I enjoy streaming the Zep boots on YouTube, and my dark, doomer jazz playlist well into the witching hour most nights. Those damn ads though, some every three or four minutes can get the blood boiling. Breaks up the mood man. I will not buy any their wares or services, I just want to relax and enter a state of deep contemplation and meditation. This commercialism is a real bummer.

    Free ad blocker. 

    Adaware Privacy - Prevent malware infections and privacy breaches at its source.

  2. 47 minutes ago, PinkyToe said:

    I was simply pointing out the fact the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence for the Constitution itself was a lie, based on a lie which it was. Words have meaning, actual definitions which are established and cannot be disputed. There is no spin, they wrote what they wrote and toward a singular purpose, to establish a nation whereby full and total control would be held by white, land holding males exclusively. You cannot state All Men are Created Equal, and then claim it means something else. Those are direct words which cannot be disputed. 

    If those in power were truly sincere and honest they would have called for a continental congress a very long time ago, and did so every 19 years as Jefferson intended. Maybe then we could have an honest document which reflects changes in society, and not some antiquated 18th century extended writ of which the Founders themselves said and believed was flawed.

    Let me ask you this, would you rather build an automobile manufacturing plant based on late 19th century designs, or would you prefer a contemporary plan?

    Your community college education is showing by posing a question so insipid. There is already a process whereby the Constitution can be amended to reflect societal change. I suggest following that process, lest we instead adopt whatever "contemporary plan" some Leftist politician that you undoubtedly support wants to impose upon all of us. In closing for now, as a by the way, non-property-holding white males could vote in the vast majority of states as early as 1828. Today the right to vote has long since been extended to nearly all citizens.     

  3. 39 minutes ago, PinkyToe said:

    All due respect, the Constitution also said All Men Are Created Equal which was a bold faced lie, only white, land owning males were allowed to vote and offered full rights under law. Right from the beginning the document was both flawed and a lie. Jefferson himself said a full Continental Congress should be held every 19 years to review and amend the Constitution to reflect the zeitgeist. The other founding fathers agreed as they knew the document was both flawed and required revision with the evolution of the nation. These were 18th century men doing the best they could under the context of the times, yet they had the foresight to understand this was only the beginning of a long journey, times change, we learn and improve, that is the whole point. This is a living document, not some holy writ set in stone.

    When Thomas Jefferson penned “all men are created equal,” in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence (not the US Constitution), he did not mean individual equality, says historian Jack Rakove. Rather, what the Continental Congress declared on July 4, 1776 was that American colonists, as a people, had the same rights to self-government as other nations.

    If you can concede that Roe v. Wade was a preposterous legal ruling, a fabrication of the right to abortion out of nothing, I can concede that the SCOTUS ruling overturning it with a determination that abortion is not considered a fundamental right protected by the Constitution because the Constitution does not make any mention of abortion is likewise preposterous. Meanwhile, it is up to the states to decide abortion legislation. 

    Personally, I am what is traditionally called pro-life. That said, I also understand the hardships imposed by abortion bans at the state level. With collective understanding that abortion should be "rare, safe and legal" I'm open to a new federal law to resolve the issue. However, I'll never support legislation or a SCOTUS ruling that establishes "the right to an abortion on demand at any time for any reason" nor unrestricted federal funding for them.

  4. 17 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    Such a divisive and important (can't get more fundamental really) issue resides with the states? My retort is, that is like saying leave slavery up to the states.

    Some things need a "ok, here is the law, THE END" kind of approach. Abortion is one of those things. It should be a law of the land decision at the federal level.

    Respect Steve, that you think it is not a federal issue, I disagree.

    State sovereignty over matters of family, life and health is rooted in the Constitution. Congress has only the powers expressly delegated to it by the people in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution — powers to maintain the security and prosperity of the nation. All other powers are reserved by the 10th Amendment to the states and the people. James Madison explained in Federalist 45: “The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties and properties of the people.” Those powers exclusive to the states certainly include the definition and regulation of abortion and marriage.

  5. 19 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    I find it hard to believe you are not being the ultimate comedian here Steve. If no, wow...

    I'd bet it is not enough to offset all those women (and family men for that matter) that are simply not on the abolish Roe train, not to mention pop culture endorsements which almost always mean nil, but might have a bit of an impact given Swift is pretty much the biggest cult like figure in US culture atm. 400,000 registrations to vote after she sent that message. That will translate into some edge for the dems.

    Make no mistake, there are plenty of conservative voters who hold their nose as they vote for Trump. He's not fiscally conservative, and many don't appreciate his unconventional style.

    The single-issue voters (abortion) aren't going to vote for Trump regardless because they tend to be dyed in the wool Democrats who reside in blue states. Sensible and rational people understand all the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade did was put abortion law at the state level where it has always belonged anyway. Personally, I couldn't care less about the pro-abortion voters because they've gone from "Abortion should be rare, safe and legal" to "Abortion should be on demand at anytime, anywhere and taxpayers should fund it".  

  6. 1 hour ago, rm2551 said:

    OK, big deal. A few thousand supporters? If that is your example of Trump having more support than Kamala, I don't know what to tell you.

    Let me educate you. They're merely lining up in some cases 12 hours early to get inside the 60,000 seat venue hosting the Trump rally.


  7. 16 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    So its 6-7 weeks until election. I can't see Trump pulling this one out of the fire. His strategy seems to be to turn more of his "fuck America is a cesspool of shit" feeling angry pundits out to vote instead of trying to win over ANYONE outside of that. No effort what so ever to expand the base, just turn out more angry cunts to vote - and hope Dems are a bit "meh...", and stay home.

    I'll bet a blue wave is going to be the result. Not projecting, not wish casting, just reading the tea leaves.

    The 2016 "surprise" result was - to some extent - there were more Trump voters that the polls accounted for. A lot of people didn't fess up they would vote for him but did. He was not the establishment "Clinton" same old, same old. He represented a real anger and resentment of people being ignored. And still, only won by a few thousand votes in a few swing states - and lost the popular vote. But he was new and not establishment.

    This time around, I reckon it's the opposite. A LOT of Republican/conservative voters say Trump, but will vote Harris. Women especially. The abortion issue and the non stop circus of his presidency will hit harder than people think. This is reenforced by almost everything he is now saying, like his chameleon stance on abortion. And that answer he gave to a basic health care question. Just an insane word salad that would have destroyed any other candidate for office. People notice. I don't think as many people are giving Trump a mulligan for those non stop insane rants any more. Lots are, but not all. Not growing his voter base. The biggest thing he had going for him in the 2016 campaign was he was new and just fucked with everyone. Decimated all comers as they were all operating in the traditional political arena, and he was playing his own game. That shock factor has worn off and he is now trapped in his one dimensional just be more and more outlandish mode of operating. It's tired and worn out. He has nothing to offer now but endless grievance and selling America as a third world shithole he seems to really hate. Even Make America Great Again is not mentioned much. Just rage. I just don't think there are that many people still on his page now.

    Vance is as catastrophic a pick for VP as you can make. Laughably bad.

    Blue wave.

    Most likely the House, Senate, and up and down ballot success to Dems with few exceptions.

    Kamala has been gifted an inside run with the timing and is killing it. She's not heavy on policy, just enough to avoid fucking herself over by completely avoiding it. Countering Trumps non stop insanity is giving her space to avoid spooking the electorate with any policy mis-steps. it's hers to lose, no question.

    We'll see of course, I am reading the room from a great distance, so of course can be dead wrong, but I just can't see how he gets anywhere near winning. Even in tight swing states. He doesn't even seem to be trying, or really to give a fuck. Where is he getting more votes from? How is he not massively bleeding votes? It's all hate, spite, and idiocy.

    My bet is all in, Harris and the Dems will SWEEP.

    Blue wave baby.

    Place your bets.....

    She got no bounce from the DNC in Chicago and her support drops each time she speaks, despite the lamestream media running cover for her.

    For Trump, RFK Jr's endorsement probably secured for him the margin he'll need to win it all. RFK Jr. as an Independent candidate was polling as high as 13%. If only half his supporters vote for Trump that's still well above 5% of voters. Odds are he'll get far more than half because everyone knows JFK Jr. will be rewarded with a high-level position in a Trump administration. Conservative voters may not be all in on a second Trump term, but they are all in on this positioning Vance for a campaign for President of his own.

  8. 7 hours ago, Strider said:

    Run along Chicken Little and sell your doom-and-gloom somewhere else. 

    We are having our best business year in years, and my tax returns the last two years were more than they they ever were during Trump's term in office. Crime is actually down. And US Oil production is still up, even higher than it was during Trump.


    Nice spin. They highlight production but omit any mention of the price at the pump. "Crime is actually down" -- only if one accepts FBI stats at face value. Every Democrat controlled American city with a population over 1.5 million is a Third World shit hole right now thanks in large part to the government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion.

  9. 13 hours ago, JTM said:
    Donald Trump: Promises vs. Reality
    • Promised to cut the deficit but added $8 trillion to it.
    • Promised to build a wall; completed only 458 miles out of 2,000, mostly repairs.
    • Promised Mexico would pay for the wall; they didn’t.
    • Promised a new healthcare plan; it never existed.
    • Promised a middle-class tax cut; primarily cut taxes for the rich, leaving the middle class to bear the burden.
    • Promised not to play golf; made 250 visits to his own golf clubs, costing taxpayers $150 million.
    • Promised to increase economic growth by 4%; didn’t achieve it, President Biden did.
    • Promised an infrastructure plan; had none, President Biden signed a massive one.
    • Promised to hire “the best people”; fired 3/4 of them, then labeled them the worst.
    • Promised to reduce prescription drug prices; didn’t happen, President Biden did.
    • Promised to win the trade war with China; it cost about a quarter million jobs.
    • Promised corporate tax cuts would benefit workers; corporations used the money to buy back stocks instead.
    • Promised to revive the coal industry; more coal jobs were lost during his presidency

    Ended the Clinton AND Bush political dynasties, making his election fully worthwhile. Anything beyond that outcome was just a bonus.

  10. Trump's attempted assassin in Florida is a US fighter who served in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. 

    Translation: A CIA-trained killer tried to kill Trump in Florida. They're hell bent on starting World War III with Russia. Can't afford a Trump Presidency ending the war. 


  11. 1 hour ago, rm2551 said:

    I'd bet my dollar he's doing Loomer. His answers to who she is and why she is there are hilarious. He's almost expecting the question of an affair when no one is asking about one.

    Sounds like projection. It was Loomer who exposed Emhoff's affair, among other things.

  12. On 9/10/2024 at 8:50 PM, Reggie29 said:

    What has the wet market in Wuhan got to do with the debate?

    This same news network insisted the Wuhan coronavirus began with bats in the wet market. ABC news and facts about anything are not well acquainted.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Reggie29 said:

    So, people and more specifically illegal aliens, are eating the pets of Americans?

    He doesn't disappoint, the scatterbrained master of disinformation got his arse kicked, by a woman!?

    It's happening in other countries as well and it's documented on videos. The ABC moderator's attempt to debunk it revealed the underlying fake news bias.

    Speaking of disinformation, did they find those bats in the Wuhan wet market yet?

  14. 10 hours ago, zeplz71 said:

    More comment from Sammy Hagar about Jason's mom:

    “His mother had a stroke and went into a coma, and it’s serious,” Hagar told KSHE 95 in a new interview (below). “The whole family went over there, and he held out for two or three days. [Then] he says, ‘I gotta go; I gotta go.’ I said, ‘You go – go.’

    With the North American dates now complete, Hagar is set to tour Japan with Michael Anthony, Joe Satriani and Ray Thistlethwayte. “If Jason is still with his mom, he’s gotta be there till she either comes through or… whatever,” Hagar said, admitting he shouldn’t speculate. “But he’s got a medical emergency with his mother. You don’t ignore that.”

    I appreciate Sammy's honesty but he's sharing too much.

  15. I think the last bootleg I purchased was the 02 rehearsals CD upon release and it cost over $200 USD. I have probably listened to it twice and have long since had the realization that bootleg releases just aren't worth the expense anymore. I had been collecting them since the mid-1980s on vinyl and cd and after nearly 500 of them the thrill was gone. All of that stuff has been stored away for years, if only because I was never a motivated seller. If someone came along and made a $20K+ offer I'd probably consider it but I do doubt that's ever going to happen so they will continue to sit. 

  16. 13 minutes ago, slave to zep said:

    Ah thanks!

    As a by the way, don't tell anyone but I'm really smitten with Zofia who is probably among the Top 10 most beautiful women on the planet. It's really something because she's not my type but the heart wants what the heart wants. 😅

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