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Posts posted by Evster2012

  1. LOL -Ev, Blesss you for being man enough to post this. It is a great picture though.

    Oh horny youth!! Shameless advertisement! Angi's still searching for the Grail! :lol:

  2. I thought Page's first choice was Steve Marriott. As I recall Page and Grant got a reply from Marriott's management suggesting it would be better for Jimmy to have all his fingers undamaged with another singer than be a crippled guitarist pursuing Marriott.

  3. Barry White, Rod Stewart....

    Imagine--we know that get's better

    If i were ever going to let a bcak seat work against me, it must be a 65 Ford Mustang!!

    Ford lover! :P

    Oh, and you should try Soundgarden! I don't know why but WOW! A few shots of Patron don't hurt! ;)

  4. Mentally..yes, physically??? :-)


    Are we talking mountain climbing or...*cough* putting on some Barry White? B)

    Sex in your 40s. Never could have imagined it could be soooo good! :beer:

    And let's face it, the backseat of a Firebird works against you! :D

  5. :-) Oh to be that age again. I remember we had a blast that night. Loved your picture and the tye dyed shirt!

    My dear, I've found it's much more fulfilling to be our age. We know and appreciate so much more than we did then, even if we thought we knew it all at the time! ;)

  6. Damn Ev, don't you have a/c?

    Sure do! Unfortunately I'm at the mercy of my uncle whom we live with, and no matter how much money I throw at him, he only kicks it on as he sees fit. Sadly, my room shares a wall with the garage, which is now reading 114. I try to explain that if he shuts the registers in the other rooms and sends the air our way, it won't cost him more. I also told him that leaving the garage door partially open would let the air circulate and bring the inferno down, but he's worried about "security". He has nothing of value in there whilst I have all kinds of stealable shit. I'm willing to take the risk! Hell, we live in a gated and guarded retirement community! But he's old and set in his ways. Meanwhile I'm sucking down Powerades all night long because I'm sweating myself to the point of dehydration, and he's blaming his electric bill on my fan. I left the garage door open for an hour (while staying out there "on guard duty"), and my room went from 87 to 79. I can deal with 79! But some people just cannot be reached no matter how much sense you make. :(

  7. Nice one Ev, Poser :lol:

    Regards, Danny

    POSER??!!! Hey I was REAL bro!! Lived in a commune, travelled with the stinky crowd, ate....vegetables!!! Those Birkenstocks were made for walkin, cousin! I was a genuine Deadhead! Still am at heart! It's just that for some years now I've accepted that I like a steak and indoor plumbing. My painted van is retired. Otherwise I'm solid!!! :lol:

  8. ...sigh.

    At least you've only gained 20. ;)

    Since I haven't had health insurance, my body's all whacked out b/c I can't afford my meds...therefore, I'm a fatty. :(

    Oh, I gained a LOT more than that! At one point I was 275! :o

    Now I cruise around 225-230. It rarely changes, and given my height and body type, it's mostly just a beer belly. :beer:

  9. Just hooked up my new weather station thingy my stepdad sent me.


    106 F

    11% Humidity

    Pressure 29.83 and steady

    Partly Cloudy

    So in other words, it's friggin hot, dry and ain't gonna change anytime soon. A walk to the mailbox could'a told me that! :lol:

    In my room it's 86.5. :(

  10. Gardeners! 6:59 in the am and they're out there, buzzing away with their tools. They're done by 8! But I can't sleep after 8! Why not start at 9 and be done by 10?

    Oh, not Pet Peeves or Unhappy thread?

    My sincere apologies. UNTIL THE WEED WHACKER STARTS AGAIN!!!!!

    And the fucking leaf blowers! Remember rakes? I see them on your truck! You've got three of them! Are they just for advertisement? "Hi, we're gardeners". dot fucking com????

    Yeah, just keep blowing my neighbors' pine needles into my yard. See what happens.

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