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Posts posted by badgeholder

  1. So I went to see a friend's band last Friday night, and since it wasn't wall-to-wall people or anything, I didn't wear my mask. I am fully vaccinated by the way. Well, what do you know, I caught covid. I was down for the count yesterday, it kicked my ass. Feeling a bit better today. Just wear your mask people, stay safe

  2. 36 minutes ago, Strider said:

    With ELO and Elf, right? I did not see that one. Deep Purple at Cal Jam was the only DP I saw in 1974. As I recall, the November 20 Long Beach show was on a school night. I ended up going a week later to see ELO at the Shrine Thanksgiving Eve November 27. 

    That's correct, Elf and ELO. Well, although just an okay recording, and it does have some cuts, there's enough there that proves it indeed WAS an excellent night for DP MK III


  3. For over forty years I've been searching for a bootleg of Deep Purple at the Long Beach Arena from November of '74. I was at this show and always considered it to be one of the best shows I've ever seen. Well, I finally found it. I downloaded it last night, I will listen when I get home. I'm sure it will be anti-climactic, right? Still...I haven't had this giddy feeling of FINDING something in a long time. I still remember when I found Led Zeppelin LA '71, same thing, just YES! VICTORY! haha The search was always part of the fun. I do hope it lives up to my memories. Hopefully it's not an awful recording. We'll see. I will report back with my review. 

    Another thing I want to find is Jaco Pastorius at the Beverly theater 1983. I've heard there is a recording, I just haven't seen it. This one is kind of the opposite - "was it really as BAD as I remember?"  

  4. The fuck up on Moby Dick is startling....Is Bonzo getting pranked by the band here? He does the whole drum intro (post solo) and they don't come in. 

    Reminds me of that time they left Plant hanging on IMTOD, also a '75 show.  Mistakes? Maybe. But It got me thinking they might pull stuff like this on each other just for fun

  5. Well, they played all originals at the UFO show. They played there quite a bit, so these could be two different gigs or "pt. 1 and pt. 2" of the same gig. I'd have to listen, so many of these have wrong info on them. 

  6. On 4/6/2021 at 5:39 PM, Strider said:

    Ok, as I told Walter earlier, I was not at this gig. Too broke. But I bet badgeholder was…probably working it, no less.

    Indeed I was! What a show, one of my all time faves. Here's a few pics







  7. 3 hours ago, LedZep123 said:

    what is your favourite venue to see a concert?

    For me it WAS the Universal Amphitheater. Perfect size, perfect sound, not too far away....saw so many great shows there, Prince, Bowie, Radiohead, Jeff Beck, Stevie Wonder, Sting, The Tubes, Ozzy, etc., etc...but ALAS. They tore it down to build Harry Potter land! Still pisses me off

  8. Yeah, "the era of the virtuoso is over" or something like that

    you know, I was watching the '71 Japan footage, and you see Robert and Jonesy practically rolling their eyes waiting for Jimmy to wrap up his unaccompanied 'Heartbreaker' guitar solo. Then I started to realize what Plant had to go through, and just how indulgent Jimmy was, long guitar solos in almost every song, with Robert standing around...

    not that we don't all love it, but, you know, from Roberts point of view, yeah, I'm sure it could be a bit much some times



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