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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. this is my latest JP painting, it didnt come out as i wanted it ,... it's so hard to paint him as he is now


    Wow Diana this is stunning. You've captured the drama, instensity and magic of Jimmy. And mpst importanly of all.....the Darkness, this to me says 'The Dark Lords Presence' (sry I'm all about symbolism in my art :P )

    You don't really need to paint him "perfectly" as long as we see him and his charater.

    This is amazing, very good job! :thumbsup:

    Just something I want to know, how big is the painting?

  2. Lucia, I love your last one. That was his add for ARP Synthesisers.


    Oh wow that's a cool add thanks

    With him looking that gorgeous who wouldn't buy it!

    We havn't had some Oakland sexiness for a while...





  3. I was drawing again.

    This is especially for Jimmy's A Legend! I hope I got the Dark Angel thing right? Plus he wears the dog collar... I'm really happy with this drawing... I managed to get his face and hair really beautifully... Oh, and he has his guitar pic between his lips (his lips!!!) :wub:


    :yay: :yay: :yay: Thank You Raccan-I love it :yay: Dark Angel and dog Collar in the same pic-too much hotness.

    Yes you have captured DA Jimmy beautifully!. You've aptued those very important Dark thinking eyes, that draw you into the masters Presence....

    Thanks for drawing it :D:yourock:

  4. This look... just like "Will you spend the night with me, baby?" :faint1::wub:

    Will I! Oh baby yes I would :angel:

    Oh those eyes, those gorgeous and seductive eyes....


    So close to those lips....


    ...doesn't it just make you feel like brushing his hair away, brush your hand against his cheek and then kiss him?

  5. Yeahhh, I love him sweaty too... when the lines of sweat run down his chest... always makes me weak in my knees...

    Ohh, it's sunny in England? Outside it is grey, rainy and windy... but hey, I'm sitting in front of the computer anyways ^^

    When the...when his.....sweat....chest...... :faint1: :faint1: you trying to kill me!!

    Well it WAS sunny, it's calmed down not <_<

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