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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. I love the one you got of him laughing. I always want to cuddle him, he's in warm Arizona, eventhough he is wearing black....and looking gorgous!

    I knew you would love the 'dog collar/shirt' pictures, so do I

    Oh yes and silk!

    And yes he is so so cuddleable and huggable and the interview that you sent me on Utube-omg yes I just want to jump into the monitor and hug him and never let go...

    And he's alot cuter when he has the towl chucked at him :wub:

  2. Just come back from my local once-a-month record and CD fair and got these :)



    The guy who sold me this got it for me especially (I deal with him everytime, he is the only one who gives a fair price)


    YES!!! :yay: :yay:



    spending money on those has not left me with £3.75 to play with until the end of the month.

  3. I about died when I saw these first two pictures in the new special issue of Hit Parader. I thought of Lucia too when I saw them.



    1. Dog Collar.

    2. The Shirt

    3. Dark Angel Jimmy.....

    :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

    Wow wow wow wow :drool:

    Thank You for thinking of me :hurrah: :hurrah:

  4. I have found those while surfing the net- I almost died! :wub:



    Take that, Spacewoman!




    Oh.My... :veryhot: :veryhot: Sweet Lord you 2 :o I now know never to drink while going through this thread. You had me choking!!

    The last one of Moonmaid's post-Reminds me of a romantic poet lost in thought :wub:

    (that includes all of Moonmaid's post too, too many pics to post at once for this forum ;) )

    Where are they from???

  5. Raccan those are stunning! So sweaty...The Rain Song.....that is my Heaven!!

    So sweaty, so gorgeously sweaty...:faint1:

    And the one you did of lots of Jimmy's is amazing, that must have taken you ages. And I so happy that you have some of just his gorgeous chest, seeing him over the years he has never stopped looking beautiful :wub:

  6. 755.jpg





    Alex, these are just :veryhot: Stunning...and oh wow.....

    The first 2-So very Dark, the Dark Angel is awakened...

    The 3rd-So beautiful....he's just so beautiful :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Oh I want him so bad

    And Oh.My.God...all I need to say is: Jimmy Page and a ciggy-the last one particually, the way he holds it in those gorgeous lips, the smoke rising...his eyes, so Dark and mysterious....

    *screams* Thank You for these :yourock:

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