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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. Mmm...I'd like to orbit Saturn, if ya catch my drift.

    Oh yes I catch your drift alright, and it's not a bad one either ;)

    I´m also bringing something for the inspiration :)

    Isn´t he just sooo skinny?





    1st pic-Oh he has such a heavenly body...:drool:

    2nd-those shadows sure know how to play-and again he has such a perfect body.

    3rd+4th-OH GOOD LORD!!! :faint1:

  2. There must be a warning on the first page "Reading of that book may cause heartattack or even kill! Not recommended for ladies with heart weakness or high blood pressure"


    :lol: fair play-good one.

    We should do a chapter each-I know what chapter is going to be based on :shifty:;)





    Not forgetting his ass of course :drool:


  3. Once I have borrowed me a book in our library and the name was "Fantasies of women" :D

    I think that the book " Crazy Jimmy fantasies of the Pagettes" would be a bestseller in any case! :lol:

    Yes but think there could be an item of news saying that women all over the world have lost sleep or have suffered from Heartattacks, but I certainly woudln't mind reading a book like that ;)

    OK I have noew reached the morning and I'm not even tired :lol: once I get into the Pagette mode, it is very hard for em to get out of it :D

    OK I would love to have fantises about...




    I mean really love to have fantises about him...


  4. We are sick,you know that?

    Does he look like:

    Join me,you know you want to... :drool:;)

    And that pic is on my desktop.

    I wouldn't say sick I would just say that that we suffer from Jimmy-ache and beside who the Hell would ever stop having this Jimmy-ache, I know I wouldn't!!!

    Yup he's pretty much saying that in my thougts and dreams and of course who could possibly say no? :P

    Speaking of joining him...there's enough room for 2 on here ;) ;)


    (I love being a Pagette :D )

  5. What a lot of dirty Pagettes we are, it's great :D

    And nice to have you Lena_Zep join the Pagette, gave in to a weakness we all face ;)

    Oh isn't this tempting;

    Him just lying there....smiling....on a hard surface....


    Hmmmm...:drool: :drool: Oh that hair just kills me :faint1:


  6. Addicts,addicts...Oh we are such an addicts.


    Hell yeah he has become an addiction to me

    Who wouldn't be a naughty girl while having Jimmy around? ;):drool:

    Oh the things I would do to him or let him do to me would not be allowed on this forum, it would involve


    me, and I would

    dfhskkfhkhk ljslfjaslfj sjdflsfjlse

    him and followed by


    each other.

    You know what I'm sayin' ;) ;)




    ...who wouldn't ;)

    Oh and Ren, everyone should feel like they are falling in love for the first time and they could spend their entire night dreaming ;)

  7. I have read "Hammer of the Gods" - that book appeared in Czech translation, which was great.I can read English almost perfect, but in Czech it is for me easier though. And there was memories from Jimmy´s love Lori Maddox. She wrote there, that he was such a passionate lover, but at the same time so tender and considerate and romantic. And that they were making love for hours... and it was like a travel through space, like a magic...

    OMG.... I´m 44, but I guess this is something I never experienced yet.. :boohoo:

    I´m really jealous and sometimes I feel such a desire for him that I think my heart will collapse :faint1:

    Yes I read that book too, I actually hate Lori becuase she was with Jimmy for such a long time and that she experianced a life that I wanted to have with Pagey. Just that bit (which I put in bold) I ache for, reading that book has made me even more depressed than before.

    Edit: When I first realised that Lori had lived the life that wanted I used have a dartboard with her in the centre, and whenever I felt I hated her I would throw darts at her, but thankfully I ahve calmed down, I hate but I don't go that far anymore :lol:

    Also this is why I write my poerty, to express my love for a creature so Dark, it's a a way of letting it out.

  8. This is the Hot Pic Of Jimmy thread, so I kinda have to post pics, and yes he has got a goegous ass. :P

    Before I became A Pagette, I used to have a thing for Robert, just proves how irresistable he is.




  9. I went for a walk this morning (hey I broke my routine! OMG)

    And while I was walking I saw this bird, (I think it was a male blackbird) and it had got stuck in a tree, and it was panicking and trying to escape, I could save it becuase I know that birds can be very vicious if they are in a panic, but it really upset me seeing to struggle and me being totally useless.

  10. Oh nooooo...I'm about to become a Pagette!!I'm spending too much time on this thread.

    Damn Jimmy,why are you so hot?Grrrrr..

    I have to go immediately in 'Hot pics of Robert'. :lol:

    Hey..slow down there tiger (I have no idea where that came from :huh: )

    What's wrong with becoming a Pagette?

    Ok You get to think about this all day....


    ...I mean look at his hair...ruffled..soft...and not forgetting his chest hair...:drool:...

    And this...


    Don't tell me you're not tempted by that picture....go on indulge yourself...

  11. And he is perfect... I´m sometimes really jealous-all those lucky girls who could be in his arms.. :wub:


    Yes me too, why did I have to be a 90s child! <_< But I envy all those girls who got to be in his bed too :whistling: Even if it was just the one night...just to be with him until the morning sun rises...

    And I love that pic also, so close to those eyes, and those lips....

  12. I wanted to draw Jimmy in that shirt (so it again is especially for "Jimmy's A Legend")... A terrible mistake - I'll never going to draw this again! I'd rather draw the Dragon Suit again... But this thing is just - hell.

    Not to say that he didn't look damn HOT in this...

    Hmmmm... Jimmy, what naughty things are you doing with your bottle of Jack Daniels? Tsts...

    I messed up the angle of his left hand and right leg...

    But I think I like it ^^


    Have nice dreams ^^ about him...

    :yay: Thank You, yes I really do love The Shirt, and I also love this scene with Robert, his ruffled hair, his chest, and his JD, and not forgeting his polka dot scarf :wub:

    Thank You, this is a really great drawing.

    And I like the Robert one too

  13. Wooo another Pagette! :yay: And what's not to love about him? He's gorgeous, sexy, charming, Dark, mysterious, dangerous, he seans your heart skipping and your mind spinning...Ok I go on for ages about how Jimmy is so...so...perfect...

    wouldn't you say? ;)





    So very very Dark...


  14. Me, My sister and mum went out for lunch, to be outside the unit and to be with us is a big step for my sister, we've been talking about stuff, of course there were some moments when she was unhappy but normal, she didn't eat much but not the point, point is she is improving and we think that she is nearly ready to be let loose back home.

    This morning we learnt that she has been self-harmng herself (how is good?) well she admitted it, she told me mum this morning, this is the biggest step she has taken, to tell us what she is feeling and what she has done in the unit, and anything she doesn't have the confidence to tell mum she will tell me which I have to tell mum, oh and she has improved in playing Pool :D

  15. I just want to say I've gone through this this thread and am pleased to see how many of these saved pics are from scans I posted on Electric Magic over the years.

    Proud to still be serving Pagettes everywhere! Cheers ladies! :beer::D

    And of course we are very happy to have your service ;)

    Ok a couple more before I hit the sack...






  16. I'm so very sorry; I will keep her and your family in my prayers and hope she will soon recover. Hugs to you as well, you must be terribly worried :(

    thank You, yes we havn't got a clue how we are going to cope with her, over the past couple of weeks she has been in a unit so that she could be away from home and doctors can figure out what is srong with her but they are chucking her out next week! The rate at which she is been taken to hospital is so frequent she might aswell live there!

    But Thank You, I know that she will never fully recover but we and the docs are doing their best.

  17. My sister has been taken back into hospital tonight, earlier she stopped breathing for a couple of minutes.

    She is very very mentally ill and depressed, at the moment she is suffering from Physcosimatic (sp?) illness which means that the pain that she feels is real to her but it's her mind playing tricks on her, not to mention one of her legs has stopped working aswell.

    But hopefully she will be back tonight.

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