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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. at last im back again from a long trip , i see i missed lots of pages of our lovely Jimmy i went through them all and what can i say... it's great to be back

    Hi :wave: Welcome back!

  2. A nice cold glass of beer on a very hot summers day walking around for 5 hours.

    Hehe funny thing happened yesturday, my dad and I went shoppping for food, and as usual we got beer. My dad needed some more non-alcholic ones. We went to the isle for non-alcoholic beer and my dad picked up a couple of cases, assumming they were alcohol-free, what we didn't realse until we got back was that it was alcoholic! the shopping assistants put it into the wrong section! so now my dad accidentally bought me about 30 bottles of beer (inc. large case of larger and special offer "real" beer) :lol: :lol:

  3. scan0025.jpg


    :o :o :wub: omg these are amazing, but oh my the first one, I am in love with hair, I can literally see the softness.

    Second one he's just hot...sorry did I just say hot? I meant Deliciously hot

  4. omg omg omg I really need a bigger version!! :o:D :D :D

    page1970.jpg:wub: :wub:

    Well that's one way to play cricket :huh:


    It's amazing how Jimmy could look so angelic but yet he did all those naughty things ;)


  5. ^^

    *coughsexcough* :blush:


    My mum can't remember Jimmy's name. I repeat Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy whole freakin day and she says:

    Johnny who?

    Aaargh!! :slapface:

    :lol: that's abit like my grandmother every ttime I see her she cannot remember who Jimmy is.

    The worst thing is she can't remember his age, a convasation goes abit like this.

    Her: So how old is he.

    Me: *give embrassed look* erm...erm...he's 65

    Her: Did you...I hope you didn't just say 65!

    Me: Ermm yeah..yeah I did.

    Her: *gives conserned look* OK.




  6. So-So-Hot

    So-So-Dog Collar


    So so Right.

    OK my dad officially knows I have a thing for Pagey, he keeps taking the piss out of it, earlier he asked me what kind of breakfast cereal I though he ate in the morning or how many cups of tea he drinks. That's my dad.




    *coughOrgasmcough* :whistling: :whistling:


  7. dogcollarcolor.jpg


    I love anything to do with Pagey and The Dog Collar.

    And he's gorgeous in the second one :wub: :wub: :wub:



    And I love these two, he's so stunning :wub: OHH I could just kiss him! And I love his hair aswell, I can imagaine it being so soft.

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