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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. OK yeah see your point about it all. I do see it. But it's just abit of fun! I mean I have a really crap life right now so I need to escape and like I said it is fun.

    From now on I'll slow down alittle ;)


  2. jsounds881.jpg

    I totally agree.

    I know he's going to give us heart attacks over and over. I love him!!

    Those eyes!! those Dark eyes! They kill me!

    Pagey with this ciggys also kill me, so sexy...


  3. Of course, because either way, you wind up in his arms kissing him again. ;)

    But of course ;)

    And who wouldn't? Oh to be in his arms....

    :D :D :D :D :D :D



    Bad Lucia!

  4. Being with him in that car out in middle of NYC the whole night....okay, I've stopped breathing.

    Hehehe sight seeing right? ;) Yeaaaahhhh hehe :blush:

    And then we could gaze up at the stars...


    Then another cuddle...


  5. Let's! Especially with that crazy, who doesn't understand.

    And kissing him and stroking his hair as he sleeps. :wub:

    Oh yes! His hair looks so soft in this :wub: I could brush it and brush it while sitting on his lap...again


  6. That smile just makes me forget everything.

    Me too. Why shouldn't we escape reality?

    Speaking of which, more cuddling!! Just want to sit next to him, wrap my arms around him and.....*Lucia's heart rate stops*


  7. That last one is my picture this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, to be will him on that plane and cuddling him :wub: ..................You better stop, Alexandra!

    I want to cuddle him too, and drink JD together :D

    Hehe this is why I love being a Pagette :D

    And this chest of his...


  8. I actually thought of putting that one from the Firm up tonight. :lol: Ohhhhh, that look he gives!!!!


    Great minds think alike ;)

    The look he gives in this one also :o

    I love his hair in this one, I know it's not natural but still beautiful, and the scarf, the scarf...Ohhhh No.....

  9. OK here we go more to come ;)

    Dog Collar AND a dirty facial espression, this is when I ask myself, does it get any better than this?


    Now THAT is a sexy body, sorry did I say sexy...I mean DELICIOUS body...


    He knows how to play with my mind, name me one thing that ain't sexy about this pic


    Just to say I'm running out of pics on the laptop (it's my dad's so can't take up too much space) so erm....searching...

  10. I could write an essay on his facial expressions.



    These are....well....erm....thought-provoking...




    I think I have actaully decided what my next years calender is going to look like.

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