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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. I'm not on this thread for very long time, maybe 15 days or more. I was and am sorry because most of the Jimmy fans felt kicked out by ''drooling fan girls''. But it was fun. It was a great place to laugh after annoying day or stressful one. I had a lot of exams then and this was the place where I could post silly comments and drool over one very hot looking man.

    I know sometimes we... errr... Crossed the boundary and some of the comments (I feel most of mine) were silly. But maybe the best for all would be three threads:

    - HPOJ -this thread-but just with pics and some 'normal' comments

    - Cool Pics of J. where all of the members can post pics, and

    - Fantasy drooling thread for us who 'destroyed' the previous one

    And I don't think the underlined part is true.

    Lena I'd try and forget about the whole thing. It is maing tension throughout the thread and towards the members which is not what we want. the HPOF thread was my secape too but there is a new one so can we drop it please...pretty please :D

  2. OK this is the drooling thread so drool away ;) And the others, please don't post saying you don't like the comments becuase you now have your own thread. :)

    I always said he had fantastic legs ;)




    ...don't cha think?

  3. OK can we stop with the complaining? becuase there are now 2 threads for Pagey, this one is for drooling.

    And I'm sorry if we have ruined the thread for you, I really am I didn't realise that we had taken it too far, it was just a bit of fun.

    Now I feel really really bad for what kind of Pagette I am. (I know Ev has been saying not to and I appreciate that but now I can't help it) I'm sorry.


  4. OK I have a little Pagette story to tell :D

    I met up with my best friend this morning and we were playing a game where we make up a romantic story with David Tennant (my second crush-search him up he is gorgeous too) And we take it in turns to add a bit to the story, I have changed a few things due to character reference. I'm sure she won't mind if we use it for Pagetting ;)

    Btw Port Meadow is a meadow 5min walk from my house. Oh and it wasn't this poetic sounding, I did that :D

    Imgaine sitting in Port Meadow, the sun is setting and Jimmy is wearing a loose shirt. You are lying by the river, eating Champaine and strawberries, and to eachother aswell ;)

    Night falls, the stars are out, the moonlight shimmers on the water. It's perfect.

    Jimmy then stands up, holds out his hands and says " May I have this dance miss ***?" You take his hand, and you look into eachother's eyes, as he twirls you around. You are dancing for what felt like hours. It starts to rain but you continue dancing; for hours.

    You sit back down by the lake, watching the moon's reflection dance on the surface. There is a cold breeze, you shiver. Jimmy notices and he wraps his arms around you, making you feel safe. As you lie against his chest, hearing his heartbeat, you drift off to sleep, but before you fall under, he whispers in your ear "I love you, stay with me forever"

    Can you imagine! OK so it's over the top, but it's fun ;)




  5. Hi all!

    I have to say I think this thread is fantastic! I love coming here to get new pictures for my desktop :) I'm new here and fairly new to the music of Led Zeppelin as well, having 'discovered' them just over a year ago while in college. As a music student I have a great passion for a very wide range of music from Baroque to 20th century minimalism and just about everything that's brilliant in between, including Zeppelin. In fact in my opinion they composed and performed some of the finest minimalist music of the past 40 years, and I include art music in that. My point is that I love to talk about the best and most influential songs and solos in Zeppelin's catalogue, and how they fused blues, folk, rock, jazz, eastern traditional and art music in their work, and how Jimmy can play atonal passages with a violin bow (I play the violin myself, though somewhat poorly) on an electric guitar and make it sound wonderful. Yes, I love discussions and threads on those topics, I'm even thinking of starting one on the modal soundscape of some of their songs such as White Summer, BUT I'm also a Pagette! And I'm not ashamed of it haha So come on, this thread is called 'Hot pics of Jimmy' - What do you expect? This is a fansite after all, and one for a band that isn't even current, we're all fans here and appreciate the many facets of this incredible band. Give us Pagettes a break, it's just a bit of fun, you don't have to read the comments if you don't want to. There's plenty of other places on this site you can discuss things other than Jimmy's electric hotness... :P I do understand everyone's point of view but I just wanted to share mine.

    Hey and welcome, :yay: another Pagette!! Yes I too am a ultimate Pagtte, I ws concerted from a Robette. :D

    Don't worry you will feel totally at home if you are a Pagette ;)

    Welome aborad the Pagette Mothership...:D

  6. Hi Son, your Mother never told you then?

    Very Kind Regards, Daddy

    PS. I've waited years for that to happen. :beer:

    btw I'm actaully a girl :D and the second one you posted still sounds like my dad.

  7. I suppose than it is ok if i say KEEP ON DROOLING BABY!!!!! :lol:


    Love this shot..his chest..the Dog Collar...

    btw The partty starts as soon as get to my own computer :shifty:;)

  8. So then this thread can remain gaga...otherwise the 2 threads are redundant.

    Okay, thanks for starting the other thread. Bye bye now. :wave:

    Continue the gaga:




    Moonmaid....I cannot breathe...how can this guy look so darn sexy, OMG this is driving me insane!! That smile...omg the smile, he could charm ANYTHING with a smile like that...

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