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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. ...Yes, I wish that gorgeous polka dot scarf was flying a bit...g He is stunning and classy.... :D :D


    yes he is stunning and gorgeous. I love this photo of him :wub: :wub: :wub:

  2. my dog had to be put down today :'( she was 16 so its not so bad.

    Omg I'm so sorry about your dog! She lived for a good age, and at least you ended her pain. I' so so sorry :console: I know how much pets mean to us, to help you, you should keep some of her stuff and photos.

    Don't mean to intrude just a tip, it helped me through it.

    Again I'm so sorry.

  3. I was posting a " May Michael Jackson rest inpeace" on a Utube video and then this other Utuber is sending me messages say that Jackson was nothing to music but was a pervet and that the world is better without him and that everyone should be happy that he is dead. :tears: I keep deleting them but they keep coming.

    I don't understand how poeple can be so disrespectful.

  4. it's a clear blue sky, hot, humid and sizzling, there are "weather watch" signs everywhere where I am and water being given out, serisouly I can't walk across the street without feeling I'm gonna faint from the heat (get that from my dad)

    This morning went out with friends and got sunburt after 20mins!! :o

  5. This series is beautiful PP, but this one is like a GQ ad! :lol: "James is wearing a chic long coat by Prada. Paired with a hip pair of black Levi's, this outfit says, 'I'm retro, trendy, and fun!'" :hysterical:

    :hysterical: that made me laugh, it made my morning already :)


    These always bring tears to my eyes..



  6. While I was in town this afternoon, I bumped into one of my ex- biology teachers.

    Made me unhappy becuase I have this not so fond of memory of when I was about 8/9 and we had a biology test happening a couple of days ahead so she took us to the "covered market" in town where I live.

    I have a memory of her forcing me to look at a dead rabbit hanging, I am a veggie and love animals, and therefore hated the thought of looking at one hagging but I remember her forcing me saying " do you want to fail this examination*....look at the bloody rabbit!" after I had told her I didn't want to, so I looked up and vomited on the spot, I then remember her saying "of for goodness sake do you really need to make that much fuss over a stupid rabbit"

    I spent the rest of the time crying. :tears:

    Wow I remember that :blink: it's not a memory I want to keep, I hated her from then on and so did nearly everyone in the class.

    *it was not an exam it was a test.

  7. Once I read a caption to that picture said 'professor.' I always think of that. What an interesting idea that would be! :bagoverhead:

    The professer and the naughty pupil...hehe..:shifty: OK Alex you have now realsaed the Naughty-Pagette in me :bagoverhead:



    I call this one " The light shines and my Dark Angel rises once more"


  8. I know it's been posted recently but I just can't get over how gorgeous he looks in it :wub: :wub:

    Seeing this pic makes me so sad that he is totally unavalible to me....


    ...this pic is the reason I love him...:wub:

  9. 2csbdc5.jpg

    Ok you are trying to kill me :o

    Ohhhh he's so gorgeous....why does he have to be so unavailable...*sigh*

    Edit: Now that I see him Jack isn't too bad looking either :D

  10. What made me happy today?

    oh not much apart from MY MUM JUST EMAILED ME TO SAY THAT SHE BOOKED THE TICKETS FOR ALICE COOPER THIS DECEMBER!!!!!!!!! Banana time: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

    Just a bit excited about that :D First time I'm gonna see him live.

  11. Jimmy sitting there like that, shirt showing his chest and in a chair..with that look...his hair ruffled....ruffled....OK I'm going into Dirty-Pagette mode :bagoverhead:


    He has got the SEXIEST legs :o


    Sweaty. He is just so sweaty.


  12. la6-23-77-8.jpg

    I have a giant version of this over my bed (without the wrtting) :D :D :D

    I bet you have pleasent dreams :whistling:

    And yes this is yummmy


    I meant this one, but yeah that one is sexy too ;)

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