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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. And also some screenshots- from TSRTS and also from the 2003 DVD

    Poor Jimmy- I have read that in MSG in 1973 the air-condition was out of order and it was hotter than hell in the concert hall. Poor baby could faint from exhaustion and we Pagettes would have to give him a first aid... but I wouldn´t mind it and I´m sure the other Pagettes would hurry up to revive him too! :wub:

    wow no wonder he was so sweaty. We Pagettes should also cool in off in a swimming pool of cool (not cold) water, but since he can't swim he would have keep hold of him...Oh wouldn't that be a dream come true, to feel the skin of his body....:angel:

  2. OMG Raccan!! Thank YOu! Hugs! :friends: I love that pic so much, he is just so sexy, with the smoke...and his hair...and his skinny body....

    And your screenshots are amazing too, '73 Pagey, and sweaty+very happy pagette :P




  3. Only the HAIR? Look how sits on that photo!!! :veryhot:

    OK Not just the hair, yeah I think that pic is kinda funny becuase he is sitting under a sign saying "gents" and there is no way he is sitting like a gent :lol:

  4. Just come back from lunch to celebrate my mum and grandfather's B-day, even my sister was there, she was alright for the first 45mins, talking, smiling ect....after that she put her headphones on and asked if she could leave, but that's good.

  5. Apparently Jimmy + whips = perfect English gentleman allways treating women with respect. :rolleyes:

    OK most of the girls asked to be whipped and a gentleman should always respect a lady's wishes ;)

  6. I wish he could call me "My Lady" :wub: - who wouldn´t like it? :)

    And Jimmy is a mystery, I must agree- how he is able to convert a lot of Robettes into Pagettes :lol:

    A true love magick!

    I love his ZoSo brooch- I want such one!


    I wish that aswell-*sigh* only in my dreams-ok I've just come on and already I'm sighing :lol:

    Jimmy is a true love magician ;)

    And omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg OMG!! I love that pic, I adore '73 Pagey, that hair...his smile....his body...him in white....his gorgeousness....OMG!! :veryhot: :veryhot:

  7. I became Pagette just like you, Lena- through visiting the Jimmy pic thread :D

    And it was interesting- at first time I was bewitched with Jimmy´s beauty and his performance onstage. But under the influence of reading some excerpts from books like "Stairway to Heaven" or magazine articles I had a quite wrong meaning about him. At first I have thought that Jimmy was such a wild guy who trashed hotelrooms, misused groupies and spanked them... and I have told me: this is not possible-this boy with the angelic face and cute smile? No, he cannot be that bad. So I started to search in internet and asked friends about him and I discovered the true Jimmy- that in fact he was and still is such a sweet person, so shy and humble, a great romantic and (according to the girls who were so lucky) the best lover ever and a true English gentleman, rather quiet offstage and quite devoted to his work, his music and his guitar. And I have also read that he cannot swim and doesn´t drive a car and was affraid of flying in the plane- and this all made me to love him even more, because he is so human and so "normal". And at the same time so mysterious, so darksome, enigmatic and so unsearchable-just all that I always wished from a dream-man :wub:


    This, also made me fall for him more, this makes him even more mysterious and dangerous, and I thought it was really sweet that he couldn't swim :wub: although I discovered him being "a bad boy" after I had thought he was so angelic and sweet and innocent.

    And omg I love that pic-it is really hard to believe the really dirty things he did looking at him so angelic :wub: :wub:

  8. Oh he is so gorgeous, so young...


    It's the hair over the eyes that does it for me in this pic....*sigh*


    This is actually the pic that turned me into a Pagette; at first thought Jimmy said " Hey baby...you know me and you...together...." *he winks and smiles*...oh lord...*faints*


  9. ^Shit Ren you're on top form, such hotness :veryhot: :veryhot:

    OK time I actually posted something :P

    Oh so sweaty...mwhahahha


    Oh I love his facial expression :drool:


    Aww Pagey asleep-wouldn't you lie there beside him, and rest your head on his shoulders and cuddle him :faint1:


  10. Well. ladies, you cannot say that I didn´t warn you! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :lol: This is really funny-I might put this the door to my room :D I love it!!


    :drool: Isn´t he just kissable? :veryhot:



    Good Lord Ren! :veryhot: :veryhot: :veryhot: These are wonderful!!!

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