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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. Last night I had to stay up to make sure that my sister went to sleep and that she won't wake up in the night, while my mum went to bed, what made me happy was, although my neck felt stiff after falling asleep in the chair, is that my mum got the sleep she hasn't had four weeks. :)

  2. My mom and her brother hate each other for 50 years. For the last 10 years they are arguing about splitting the belongings from their parents' house in courts. Her brother is one big piece of shit and he didn't care if the house is ruined. I just found out the house is the place for junkies and beggars. Everything inside is stolen or destroyed. :angry:

    I can't believe how was this allowed to happen.

    I'm so sorry. :console2: It's horrible when poeple can't get along, I have a simular problem with my dad and my older sister, it is really horrible. And it's so sad about her brother's house, it's sounds like he needs to turn his life around, but easier said than done.

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