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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. Bitch. Though I don't like G'N'R I still love Welcome to the Jungle. My friend said the same about AC/DC. Who caaares?! She was just showing off because she 'sings' in the theatre. Typical. <_<

    Forget it.

    Thanks, yeah that is typical of her. How can you say that about ACDC though!

  2. Hi Jimmy's A Legend :)

    I have been contemplating seeing Les Mis when in London next month. I have even checked out thier web site. They have some really good seats in the stalls, dead center stage available. I have held off ordering the tickets as these seats are really expensive. I'm glad that you went! My husband may be like your dad and not enjoy it too much, but my son and myself will love it.

    Is there a subway line near the Queen's Theater? Is it easy to get to? We will be staying at the Marriott by the London Eye for one night and at the Hilton London Metropole another night. Looks like it may be easy to get to from these hotels.

    I think I will book the tickets today, pending your recommendation.

    I also want to see As You Like It at the Globe Theater. My son saw it this past week and said it was fantastic. It is my favorite Shakespeare play.

    Yes you really should go and see it, it was amazing. I dunno about the hotels, coz I went back home. The performance is about 3 hrs long. The nearest Sub line is Piccadilly.

    My dad has just warned me to tell you that you have to order them quickey becuase they get more costly the nearer the date!

    But yes I would certainly recommend it, altough you kinda have to know the plot to undersyand what's going on.

  3. Well I'm upset and angry.

    I've just had one of my friends round my house, and she brought someone else from my class (who I'm not such good friends(G-she is a threatre singer so she can sing at good pitch and notes)) Then my mobile/cell phone started ringing, and my ringtone is Welcome To The Jungle by GN'R. Then this happned;

    G-omg that guy cannot bloody sing

    Me-Actually I think that's a matter of opinion

    G-No he can't sing full stop.

    Me-Ok so his vocals aren't perfect, but you're a threate singer and--

    G-..which means that I listen to poeple who actaully have a talent.

    *my friend then breaks it up*

    I had then recieved a video from a Utuber and then she insulted Slash!!

    She said something along the lines of "he's so perthetic to get drunk or stoned for a concert, you can so badly see that he doesn't care about his fans or music becuase he wouldn't be in that state"

    After that I had told her (G) to get out of my house. I'm sorry but I don't take stuff like that.

    But my fiend left too to keep her company, she apologised.

    This happned about 15 mins ago.

    Edit: Actaully not going to mention her name.

  4. Well it was yesturday.

    I went and saw Les Miserables in London, my dad didn't enjoy it but I thought it was fantastic. We didn't get back home until 2:30 in the morning!

    Also I had no idea there was a Hard Rock Cafe in London!!

  5. small things

    Will you just F-off! Do you actually say anything else or anything to do with Zepp, are you even a fan?

    Well what made me happy was I went to a walk and instead of listening to my iPod (I usually do) I didn't. And hearing the birds and the wind blowing through the trees, the rain on the leaves and flowers...

  6. Stairway To Heaven. We had a really hard time during "family therpy" and listening to STH with the sun shinning back in the car was wonderful, it made me more relaxed.

    Edit: Oh and a.....cuppa tea too, calms my nerves too.

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