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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. ~tangerine~


    Four hours ago! I hope and pray my vote makes a difference this time. Funny thing, someone tried to advise me on who i should pick. He said "Do you know we have an American hero running"? I said "Joe Biden" and he said, no... lol, like anyone should waste their breath telling me who to vote for. As my daughter says, we want Obamo (not a typo). Time for the Bush followers to move on.
  2. Hearing from a friend i have missed
  3. Memory "Motel"...The Rolling Stones
  4. Take it to the Limit...The Eagles
  5. Rattle & Hum is an album title, not a song.
  6. Your Ma Said You Cried In Your Sleep Last Night...Robert Plant
  7. Far Away Eyes...The Rolling Stones
  8. Tell All The People...The Doors
  9. Paint It Black...The Rolling Stones
  10. Black Magic Woman...Fleetwood Mac
  11. I have never been to Southern California (only been in the Disneyland/Anaheim area), but it has been at the top of my list of dream places to live. Find a nice house close to a nice beach and have the time of your life! I think Coronado looks lovely (or maybe Catalina Island?) Best to you wherever you go! and don't forget, vote for Obama
  12. Something in the Night...Bruce Springsteen
  13. Something I Can Never Have...Nine Inch Nails/Trent Reznor
  14. I know it's out of turn, but i had to do it... Starrider...Foreigner
  15. Being off today after working overtime, on night shift, on a unit i don't work on (all negatives), but i had a decent night! I'm happy looking forward to the extra money i so sorely need. Watching my daughter at ballet was the highlight of my day! She is going to be such a talented dancer
  16. You Got That Right...Lynyrd Skynyrd
  17. Bruce's five best albums were already out by 1981! That must have been a great show!
  18. That is so nice. I can't stand to see stray animals and when i was young the stray cats always found me (and while my dad always wanted to take them in, my mom was afraid of them for some strange reason). We finally got her over that. I was happy to see my best friend and have lunch with her today. Happy the sun was shining brightly today Excited about taking my daughter and nephew to Disney on Ice tomorrow afternoon.
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