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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Only Love Can Break Your Heart...Neil Young
  2. Anybody Seen My Baby? The Rolling Stones
  3. Oh that banana bread sounds good! Took my daughter and nephew to a Carnival, met up with my gf and her three kids, watched the kids go on rides and have a great time.
  4. Today was wonderful. Watching my daughter take her first creative dance/ballet class was so heartwarming! She had a great time and i saw her self-confidence grow along with the fun she was having!
  5. Probably what was meant. I know i used this one before (something i try not to do is repeat) but it's such a fantastic song: Do You Fear For Your Child?...My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
  6. Sorry to be so picky, but i can't play this game when people break the rules and post unrelated songs...lol The Night Before...The Beatles
  7. Lol, i have been working on getting rid of clutter in my house for a while now. What a nice feeling to get rid of so much! I know how you feel. I'm happy Dzldoc and Uncle Mark are both safe and didn't have too much damage to their homes! I'm happy today is my daughter's first dance class, it's called Creative Dance and is combined with Ballet. I'm also happy i will be purchasing Disney on Ice tickets! Kids stuff is so much fun, sometimes...
  8. Far Away Eyes...The Rolling Stones
  9. Sheep...lol for the Republicans It's Only Love...The Beatles (for the rest of the Americans)
  10. After working last night into the morning, i am now off until Wednesday! The more days off i have, the happier i am!
  11. Seeing my cousin, his wife and three kids who lives in Manhattan and only visit a few times a year. My daughter always has such a great time playing with her cousins. My cousin is a screenwriter and after 15 years may finally get his "big" break next week. If it goes well, he will be writing for a show HBO or Showtime will pick up. Would be great to have a celebrity in the family. His wife is friends with Alec Baldwin, lol. They have lunch together and he adores her kids. Anyway, was great to catch up with my cousin and his ever fascinating life.
  12. I Can See For Miles...The Who
  13. Got To Get You Into My Life...The Beatles
  14. Do you mean "Down on the Corner" i think you messed up the game...lol
  15. I'm Goin' Down ... Bruce Springsteen
  16. My daughter was good all day. That's unusual for her. I only get happiness in small doses these days,
  17. Where the Streets Have No Name...U2
  18. Any Colour You Like...Pink Floyd edit:LZ1969 sorry to ignore your post but it didn't make sense to me.
  19. What Does It Take...Jr. Walker and the All Stars
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