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Posts posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Need my roof fixed. Got an estimate today from a very reputable roofing/construction company, and it will only cost $1000 to do the repairs! I was expecting to need $5000 for an entire new roof. I am so overjoyed! Also happy to be going to my two niece's ballet/dance recitals later today. My older niece is quite a dancer!

  2. "Hold me own", only when my "Man Servant" has the day off. :lol:

    Hi Tangerine, glad to see you.

    Thats just my idea of fan, but in the days of my youth when it all began, Prog Rock Guys in my part of town turned their noses up at Blues Rock Groups like Led Zeppelin, these were the Guys who were going to Uni, like my brother, noses up their asses in my opinion.

    You have to remember, in England we had a lot of snobbery amongst the working class then, still do, everyone seems to want to be Middle Class, Working Classs Values are almost forgotten, and this was their jibe at mostly Working Class Bands that played Blues Rock.

    Here's a little ditty i would like to sing them, sung to the the theme of "The International"

    The Middle Class can kiss my arse,

    I've got the foremans' job at last.

    I'm out of work and on the dole,

    You can stuff the red flag up your hole.

    'Twas on Gibraltors rocks so fair,

    I saw a maiden lying there,

    And as she lay in sweet repose,

    A puff of wind blew up her clothes.

    A sailor who was passing by,

    Tipped his hat and winked his eye,

    And then he saw to his despair,

    She had the red flag flying there.

    Regards, Danny

    PS. As for being inteligent, i look at it this way,

    Being Inteligent in the Good Old Days of the East End means "Not Getting Caught" right? So therefor i'm from a People with a long History of Being Transported to the Colonies when they did get caught, right? And because i'm still here, living in London, that means my ancestors didnt get caught and Transported, right? So that makes me, because of my inherited genes, far more Inteligent that any of your Aussie, Yankee, Canadian, New Zealander, or South African's that were, dun it? :lol:

    Hi Danny, Very interesting. I can see your point of view. Growing up in Philadelphia, PA, i am glad i didn't have the same problem with bands like Genesis and YES. Their music was very influential on my teenage years and i still love it today. The nice thing was, FM radio in the late 70's, when i became a fan, would play all the Progressive bands with the Rock bands, and you didn't know there was any difference :)... i don't recall when i first heard the term "Progressive" to see that Genesis would be categorized differently than Led Zeppelin, but it wasn't more than a few years ago that i became aware of this.

    We all know, you are one of the smarties B) around here for certain!

  3. I never really thought of ELO, Supertramp, Traffic or Tull as prog rock. Gabriel I would say possibly in his very early days but later on I think he moved into a very different direction. I think of bands like ELP, Renaissance, Floyd, Yes, early Genesis etc. more when I think of the term prog rock :)

    I remember this topic a while ago and so at the time i looked into what bands are considered Progressive Rock and what meaning is given to the genre. This is one site that lists them:


    I think that some artists, like Peter Gabriel (even Genesis with their "Invisible Touch" album and later) changed their style. The Beatles even get a mention :)

  4. Our dog died today after becoming suddenly ill :'( We took her to the vet, thinking she had a UTI, but learned that she had a mass on her spleen and internal bleeding. She was ~15, so surgery really wasn't an option for her. It's been a tough day; we're all taking it pretty hard. :(.

    Virginia, I just saw this and i am so very sorry. My heart felt wishes go out to you and your family. I know how you feel. My loss is still fresh. You were very supportive to me and if you want to talk please let me know. I am really sad for you guys.

  5. I have always loved a few Progressive Rock artists. I guess if you classify ELO and Supertramp in that genre, they were the first i listened to when i was age 10. I considered them pop/rock. Pink Floyd were my first true Progressive rock love. I found Pink Floyd at the same time i discovered Led Zeppelin. To me it was heavy rock.... but Pink Floyd do get ranked high on Progressive rock artists lists, so i will include them. Genesis are one of my top 5 all time favorite bands.... I still love YES (saw them 7 between 1979 - 1989). Other favorites include: Traffic, The Moody Blues, King Crimson, Peter Gabriel, Jethro Tull... i also like some classical music :)

    Bigdan, the progressive artists aren't too intelligent for you :) i know you can hold your own!

  6. Me, My sister and mum went out for lunch, to be outside the unit and to be with us is a big step for my sister, we've been talking about stuff, of course there were some moments when she was unhappy but normal, she didn't eat much but not the point, point is she is improving and we think that she is nearly ready to be let loose back home.

    This morning we learnt that she has been self-harmng herself (how is good?) well she admitted it, she told me mum this morning, this is the biggest step she has taken, to tell us what she is feeling and what she has done in the unit, and anything she doesn't have the confidence to tell mum she will tell me which I have to tell mum, oh and she has improved in playing Pool :D

    JAL, glad to hear your sister is making improvement. Opening up to the family about hurting herself is a huge step. I have a friend who has a teenage daughter who used to do that. She has been in therapy over the past year, and it's been a few months since she did anything to hurt herself. Your sister can overcome all this, and hopefully she will!

    I had a great day. Nice weather, went swimming at the club, signed my daughter up for swim lessons, and just enjoyed a nice summer day.

  7. My sister has been taken back into hospital tonight, earlier she stopped breathing for a couple of minutes.

    She is very very mentally ill and depressed, at the moment she is suffering from Physcosimatic (sp?) illness which means that the pain that she feels is real to her but it's her mind playing tricks on her, not to mention one of her legs has stopped working aswell.

    But hopefully she will be back tonight.

    I am also sad to hear your news. I hope your sister will find the help she needs. Keep supporting and loving her. I hope you are also getting the support you need. My best wishes to you and your family.

    I am unhappy about the rain as well. Seen too much of it since early Spring. It rained out swimming today, although we still spent time at the swim club. Hoping tomorrow will be better.

  8. I'd say paying for cabs in an unfamiliar area, and feeling like I was getting ripped off. That's what went on today for me. Next time, I am getting a rental car.

    Sounds like New York City to me. I will never forget the experience of being in a cab there. Getting tossed around and feeling like magic is on your side every time you miss hitting another vehicle. Those cabbies (all of them) drive out of control... or at least that's how it feels, lol. As for the price, rip off is putting it nicely. You definitely get taken for a ride, :) I hope you are having fun anyway!

  9. Carrie Prejean was " stripped" of her title.

    Pun Intended

    Seems this `ho didn`t even get her full 15 minutes.

    How do you come off dissing gay marriage when you have naughty photos all over the internet.

    Poetic justice.

    Funny, coming from a homophobe!

  10. goodmorning.jpg, Tangerine!

    It's morning where I am. :P

    I'm glad that you have photos of Tasha. I have photos of my two toms, too. One was a gray Tabby and the other was all black. I especially love the ones where they're in mine or a family member's arms. I still think of them. It was a foggy, humid day, much like today when they were put to sleep. :(

    "The fog comes on little cat's feet" ~ Carl Sandburg

    Good morning, it's 12:56 in the morning where i am (a day late)! Tasha was a gray and white Tabby. The pic in my avatar (obviously) was under a year old. She was sweet and i still miss her :) I do have a memory that i can now take comfort in. She once "stepped on" a dumbass ex's head while he was sleeping, lol. He complained about that for years after it happened. What a wuss, B)

    Fan_S, thanks for making me feel better!

  11. My daughter's graduation. She still has another year before Kindergarten, but her class sang two songs and it was so joyous to watch the pride these young children have! They got a diploma, too.

    Happy to see Dzldoc was feeling good tonight!

  12. i've got a few days off work because i hurt my wrist ( again ), and i am staying at my mans house. he is waiting on me hand and foot. dunno what i did to deserve this guy, but man, i'm lovin it!

    Maybe because you are so nice you got a nice man :)

    Sorry to hear about your injury, slave to zep. Hope you are healed soon!

    I was happy that my daughter wasn't moody today like she's been the past couple. We had a nice relaxing day off together, enjoyed a trip to Target (it doesn't take much, lol) and had a nice dinner together. Tomorrow is her pre-school graduation and her class will be singing a couple songs! I'm excited.

  13. my dear tangerine, Thank you. :) I hope this helps: that it is a comfort to you later on, to know that Tasha was in your loving, comforting arms during her final moments. I wish that were true of my two toms whom I loved so much. :(

    Also, Tangerine, I agree with JAL who mentioned the idea of keeping one of Tasha's cat toys (catnip ball, etc.) as a tangible comfort.

    It does help because i know she felt loved as you closed her eyes for the last time :) I know she wasn't afraid and died in peace. I actually don't have any cat toys. I did years ago, but my cats stopped playing with toys many years back and whatever ones i once had are gone. I have many pictures to remember her by. It's nice that there are so many animal/pet lovers here. B) Hearing from so many has helped.

  14. To the following dear members: LedZep45 and Tangerine:

    Led Zepp 45: I'm very sorry to hear about your beloved dog's condition. :console2:

    Tangerine: I'm very sorry about your beloved pet cat, Tasha. :console2:

    (I lost two pets--cats, a while ago, and I'll never get over it, never. They lived long lives--fifteen years.) :(

    Thank you so much, Fan_S and i'm sorry for the loss of your cats as well. ! Reswati, thank you also for the good thoughts! I really appreciate everyone's kindness :)

    Led Zepp 45, i am sorry to hear about your dog's illness. I hope your dog won't have any pain.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss-seeing your avitar she was really cute, at least she passed in the arms of someone who loved her and will miss her naturally and peacefully.

    I can relate after the passing of my dog, she's up there thinking of you and still loving you, she will never leave you.

    Edit: What really helped me was to keep something of hers, like a toy, thinking of the times you had will realise that she had a happy life. And some pics of her too, becuase I know that the first couple of days I would burst into tears remembering Rufus who passed, having her things around will make you stronger.

    Thank you for the nice words! I remember when you talked about your dog passing away and the adorable pic in your sig! Always in our hearts :)

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