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Posts posted by Aquamarine

  1. Exactly. (That's why I was joking in my first post. Which I wish I hadn't, now! :lol: )

    Edit: The "exactly" referred to myledzep's first post about tabloids. I seem to be having ridiculous trouble making myself understood in this thread! *shoots self*

  2. But...really, I love his pics, they add to my day, but they don't upset me to the point that I can't do other things than thinking of him... :unsure:

    Same here. I love to look at these pics, but some of the comments on them get a bit cringe-inducing, to be honest. :rolleyes:

  3. Am I wrong? Somehow I can't see Robert "demanding" that the music in a pub be changed. I can imagine him saying he doesn't like a band, but "demanding" that their music be turned off...? That doesn't seem like him. Is it?

    I can't see it either, eskimo.

    I was just joking in my first post above, in anticipation of Radiohead fans getting their knickers in a twist. :D

  4. I told him he'd kept his accent remarkably well for having been away so long, and he said it was something he did try for, "because you can get away with murder in the states if you have an English accent!"

    I am living proof this doesn't always work! ;)

  5. I fixed that one :D..it took a while, but it was worth it.

    I got a much larger version of it months later without the watermark:


    I believe thanks to longdistancewinner, who posted a link with tons of large pictures that seemed to be from gettyimages (like this one) on the old forums.

    As I said, I didn't keep records of who scanned/posted what, so thanks to all. :D

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