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Posts posted by lucyinthesky

  1. Hi Minah!

    I am sorry that you are in pain in the moment...I hope it will get better with the time, whatever happened.

    So, here's Mr. Page...he wants to console you!



    (that's the only Firm pic I have avaiable in the moment...)





  2. How's it going "lzfan715?" Long time no hear! I hope all is well with you. I agree, those rabbits are so cute. Did you hear recently about the rabbit that snapped at a woman, attacked her dog and then attacked a pit bull? I would say that this rabbit was having a bad day and dreading Easter. What do you think? ROCK ON!

    Why did I suddenly think of Monty Python??? :D:blink:


    No, I love Easter...I'm still young enough to like searching for chocolade eggs and stuff. Plus it is the sign that spring is here finally! This day has been a springfest for me as long as I remember! :D

  3. Your scans are great, Lucia!

    I think I have got the same book in the German version, really :lol: ...these pics seem so familiar! How's that book called?

    Paper cuts? Ouch, that's nasty! Get well!

  4. Nah, I definitely think sweet. :wub::lol:


    I think he still smells like Pantene shampoo (the one I use every morning...no, not ONLY because I imagine he used (uses) it too, it's really good :rolleyes: )...maybe like Davidoff Cool Water, for some reason I've always thought it would fit ^_^

    Ladies, we really should order a flight to London and find out!

  5. Animals and especially beloved pets are so special. :) I owned a Grey Cheeked parakeet (looks very similar to a Quaker). He helped to save my dad's life back in 1999 when he passed out while telling me over the phone he didn't feel well. I called 911, but couldn't get to his house before the ambulance arrived. Jasmine chirped and screamed so much my dad says that is what woke him up enough for him to get to the door to the banging of the EMT's. That bird brought us so much joy. He/she died a few years ago, in his old age (17 years) from a respiratory illness (died in my dad's hand where he/she often took a nap, lol). A very spoiled, free flying, hand fed/pampered family member.

    What a beautiful story! I love parotts...this story and pics made my day. :)

  6. An indian silk summer dress in dark blue and green with golden ornaments I bought yesterday.

    Yes, it is hardly 4°C warm outside, yes, it is raining all day and yes, summer is months away...but, hell, I HAVE to show the winter some way that he can kiss my ***!

  7. The whole weekend: My grandpa visiting, winning a journey to Bukarest in a quiz with my best friends (we're going down there in summer!!! YAY), having party, drink the sunshine and the warm spring air, being on a trip with my friends to the underground gallerias all night long, playing my instruments, returning here and seeing that the Spats thread is history, just EVERYTHING:- )

  8. OH GODS!!! These new pics are too much! I DID say before I love his haircut, didn't I?

    And I DID say before that he's the hottest 65 years old man in the world?

    Whatever...saying it again:- P

  9. Love this one. No pose, natural expression... and oh so gorgeous.

    His outfit is stunning...he looks like he has right stepped out of a Oscar Wilde book...(I think we had this Dorian Gray discussion before;- )

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