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Posts posted by lucyinthesky

  1. uhh...I see I'm in the minority here, but I love his new hair :o cut

    It's sort of old distinguished Dracula :lol: ...very gorgeous in my opinion. Of course I loved his old hair cut as well...he just CAN'T look ugly!

    PS: great pics, Amazonic...I've never seen most of them!

  2. YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I am finally current!! :)

    I have been trying to get through this WHOLE thread for at least the past month or more. I had averaged about 5-7 pages (<--no pun intended! LOL!!!!) per day, or more on weekends. It has been SUCH a source of delight for me--a great way to end each day.

    I want to thank ALL of you who have posted these fabulous pics...LOVE all the cooments, too!!

    I wish i could return the favor and post some pics, but I am SO pathetically techno-impaired, i think the earth would fall off its axis if I EVER figured out how to post pics. :(

    In the meantime i will continue to enjoy the thread, and now that I am current, pop in with questions/comments/etc.!!

    Love to all Pagettes...


    Hey Sharon!!!

    Welcome :wave:

    It was the same with me, some months ago...can give you an overdose of beauty, this thread...

    I'm so glad you join us here (I'm more of a commenter and poster of :wub: emoticons than a pic poster;- )...

    enjoy with us!

  3. Hey, ladies!

    Haven't been around here for quite a time (like one week...a eternity)...went through 7 new pages...*sigh*

    You are fab:- )


    I love it too...but I always feel the need to get him a warm bed and a hot chocolate (he looks so tired)...and when he wakes up and is okay again, he's all mine! Oops...got carried away:- P

  4. learning a lot in my two music lessons today...beautiful Bach sonata on the violin, and the good old Jazz Standard Autumn Leaves on the guitar...makes me feel good though the day is so grey and cold!

    Sending good vibes to everyone who needs them!

  5. You ladies are so amazing...I wasn't around for one day, and then there are TWO new pages of amazing pics...I haven't seen most of them!


    This is especially beautiful!

    PS: Lucia, your dream is soooo scary! And funny...sorry;- )

    The imagination of MY MUM marrying Jimmy :mad::hysterical::lol:

  6. OH.......MY........GOD :faint1:

    Oh, I thought that too!

    THis outfit is so classy/sexy it made me stop breathing...his body is even sexy in the age when most guys are on their best was to old-day-pension and ortopedic shoes!

    :wub: :wub:

  7. In these days Jimmy seems really happy,calm,elegant and intelligent.

    The people who don't know him might surely think him to be a college professor or a conductor of an orchestra. :wub:




    He can come and conduct our orchestra, anytime... :D

  8. Sadly I have bin told that I have a case of the flu so I have to stay in bed :(

    Oh now would be the time to lie up on the sofa...

    ...and cuddle my Teddy Bear



    sigh...Teddy Jimmy...I was just having a discussion with someone...men with beard or without.

    Well...these pics show my position very clearly: with beard or without, no matter, as long as the face belongs to a beautiful british guitarist :D

  9. n3st2w.jpg

    Believe it or not, last week my sister returned from the city with exactly this blouse!

    She said she saw it and instantly bought it because she knew I'd adore it! She's sweet...


    Can't help it, but I'm very concentrated on the buttons of Tracy Enims shirt...it looks like it would explode every second! Jimmy looks very peased at his company...which man wouldn't ;)

    ^^zeplinger, this is Jimmy from the Crusaders era...he was maybe 17 or 18 then. One year older as me, what a weird thought...

    What I wanted to say: Great pics everyone!!! As usual!

  10. Merci, Lucyinthesky (with diamonds)......

    Cool nickname btw, love that song and The Beatles.

    Big virtual hug to you from the guy who was born on the day that The Beatles recorded Ob La Di Ob La Da.


    Hug you back!

    What a great day you've chosen to be born!

    I just adore the Beatles...


  11. Merci, Lucyinthesky (with diamonds)......

    Cool nickname btw, love that song and The Beatles.

    Big virtual hug to you from the guy who was born on the day that The Beatles recorded Ob La Di Ob La Da.


    You're welcome...thanks for the hug! I hug you back;- )

    What a great day you've chosen to be born...

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