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Vh1 Classic Schedule

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It's going to be the DVD from 2 to 4:30 im sure, with perhaps live reports from outside the O2 during the commercial breaks, Zeppelin would never allow a live feed, too much of a risk with the way '85 and '88 went('95 wasn't too bad though), but, with saying that, i could be wrong, wish that I could get VH1 classic here in Canada to find out for sure, wow Monday is right around the corner......................

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I bet VH1 doesn't have the rights, YET.

I think VH1 is basically trying to get the rights to air the program, so of course they have to make time for it in their schedule.

If they do get the rights, then they'll probably advertise like crazy. It seems to me that they're trying and having trouble.

Of course they could be just trying to sucker everyone in to watch/record their airing of the Led Zeppelin DVD.

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It's not the fucking concert. Don't you think if it was being televised, we'd know about it by now, seeing as it's less than a week away? If it's the same LZ live stuff they've shown before, it's the stuff from the live DVD.

There's no way VH1 would get clearance to air this concert exclusively over HBO, PPV and national networks, like ABC/CBS/NBC. You'd want something like this on a major network. VH1 is not a major network. That, and not everyone has VH1 Classic. Only people with digital cable, at least here in the States, have that station to begin with.

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Actually , I think someone already mentioned it .... the "Led Zeppelin Concert" that is scheduled on VH1 Classic is the DVD that comes with Mothership. VH1 Classic aired it the same week it was released in stores and was also labeled as "Led Zeppelin Concert" in their program giude on Direct TV. Kind of a tease , but , still a good watch. And the best most of us will get that day.

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