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Two ideas - how to get it off the ground?

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Hello all,

I have had an idea for quite a few years that I would LOVE to see come to fruition. I want to see film clips for Zep songs. Not original, but there, I said it!

With great clips, I am sure some songs (most!) could be re-released today and be big hits. Not a motivating factor really, just would LOVE to experience it.

Which song to start with... So hard to suggest one. The first album alone you could pretty much do any song. So I won't suggest any particular song. In truth I really would love a project of some kind to "enhance" many songs with great clips.

I would so love to see serious filmclip industry heavyweights have a go at this. Imagine Zeppelin dropped into mainstream music video shows! GOLD!!!! Maybe some type of competition for best clip for a given song.

Producers of stuff like White Stripes, Queens of the Stoneage, Gorillaz, PowderFinger (I could of course go on and on and on) would be interesting, but so would fan based submissions.

This could almost be a reality show (ducking the vege's being hurled at me) or at least some kind of youtube challenge.? I don't know, but something!!!

I have often thought about this over the years, I would LOVE to see a re-birth of the magic of Zeppelin accompanied by really intuitive and insightful video (hello Pink Floyd fans). Something that does not attempt to change the vibe/feel/energy of the piece, but amplifies it!

I'm sure I am not even near the first fan to have (or submit) these thoughts, but I must do so, as these ideas constantly roll around my daydreams, teasing me with such delightful possibilities!

For me, Led Zeppelin is the most inspiring and personally relevant, powerful, provocative and moving music of my life. BY FAR. When I really listen, I feel like I exactly understand every note and and every communicated emotion. I am sure there are many, many thousands (millions?) who feel the same. I think there inevitably one day will be images applied to the music, but (in my humble opinion) it should be done now so the real essence of the piece is captured.

Another thing that occupies my mind a lot is Cameron Crow doing a Led Zeppelin Documentary - in the vein of "Classic Albums" - but a more personal "anthology" view/discussion/window into what Led Zeppelin is and how it all happened. A clinical dissection but mostly a journey. A BRILLIANT journey.

The pot at the end of the rainbow really, something I think could NOT be topped.

Thanks for reading! :D

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Another thing that occupies my mind a lot is Cameron Crow doing a Led Zeppelin Documentary - in the vein of "Classic Albums" - but a more personal "anthology" view/discussion/window into what Led Zeppelin is and how it all happened. A clinical dissection but mostly a journey. A BRILLIANT journey.

IMHO, Cameron already did that with his spoken word promo for The Song Remains The

Same. Since it was recorded as it happened it to me seems more "authentic" than any retrospective could ever hope to be. Just my two cents.

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