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The Limerick Thread?


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Comparing thee to a summer's day

that taketh all troubles away

unloading my sorrow...

'Til it be the morrow.

Thinking 'bout narrow

It was the path which led us

Straight to arrow...

Ne'er to go astray.

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It was a calm winter day

I was sitting alone drinking Nescafe...

It then began to snow...

And I put on my fur coat...

Tied up the goat

And went for a walk

With my goat white as chalk,

To some place that I did not know.

Edited by reswati
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There once was a girl named Fan S

Who wrote funny rhymes with a guy named Res

Who said "Oh such a sensation,

thanks for inspiration,

your poetic skills surely impress!"

(yeah, indeed thanks for a lot of fun....pleasure to meetcha here....big virtual hug to you, whomever you may be!!!)

Edited by reswati
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There once was a girl named Fan S

Who wrote funny rhymes with a guy named Res

Who said "Oh such a sensation,

thanks for inspiration,

your poetic skills surely impress!"

(yeah, indeed thanks for a lot of fun....pleasure to meetcha here....big virtual hug to you, whomever you may be!!!)

Oops! Didn't see you! :P Wow, nice limerick, ty again Reswati! Yes, your verse surely does impress! ;)

Pleased to meetcha too and a big virtual hug right back atcha and your familee! ;)

Edited by Fan_S.
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