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I got TSRTS Collector's Edition.

But I think this girl who used to be my best friend is really mad at me. we do'nt talk much but I don't hate and I think she doesn't like me.

I love the collector's edition. Did you order it or buy it? I blew all of my money on it. Actually, I owed my mum. But for Xmas she said that I didn't owe her anymore…

Oh, that happened to me. We didn't talk for two months… actually not from the middle of September until about three days ago! But we're fine now… hope that happens with you! It's always terrible when that happens.

Do you have any idea of why she would be mad at you?

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I don't want to sound mean but she can be a bit of a poser. And she switches who she is "besties" with too much so it's hard telling. After the rumors went around at school she hasn't had much to do with me. You know how it is to be assciated with pot heads and she doesn't want that.

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I don't want to sound mean but she can be a bit of a poser. And she switches who she is "besties" with too much so it's hard telling. After the rumors went around at school she hasn't had much to do with me. You know how it is to be assciated with pot heads and she doesn't want that.

Damn… even if my best friend really was a pothead, I think I'd still hang around with them and stick up for them… I know it ain't great but pot doesn't bother me a whole lot… OTHER stuff does… but pot is so minor… it just doesn't bug me much…

I had a friend like that. We were great friends two summers ago…



But we never talk anymore. In fact, last year she scribbled all over my yearbook during yearbook signing…

GodDAMN my feet look HUGE in that pic (I'm at the top of the photo, in case you couldnt' tell :lol:)

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You're feet aren't that big. And this girl says she's an individual and stuff but she isn't, she's just like her new best friend. And her new best friend isn't so great.

Oh so she's sort of clingy and "I wanna be just like you"-ish? Damn, that's probably as bad as it gets… Was she nice when she was your best friend? Or was she just like you?

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She was nice, but she was alot like me. Which I like I"m pretty cool if I do say so myself so that's okay. :lol: If you're gonna be like me fine, but the best way to be like me is to be true to yourself because that's what I do.

Haha, nice, Alicia. That's a good way to be. True to yourself, that is. I think I'm that way too. And I'm cool in my own way B):lol: To other people, no, but to me, yeah, I'm cool enough. :lol:

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Same here. No one else thinks I"m cool they think I'm a dork. I'm okay with that because I'm happy with who I am. Just because they aren't doesn't give me reason enough to change.

They don't think I'm a dork at my school… they just think I'm a hippie/pothead/sex freak. The last one… um… :lol: I'm kidding. But they do think that I'm a hippie/pothead/sex freak.

I'm happy with who I am as well. I don't care what other people think, either. I don't wanna change. I have no reason to change. I don't fucking care if I fit in or not. They've gotta take me for who I am and if they don't like it, what the hell. I don't care.



I feel passionately about this, if you can't tell :lol:

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It's okay I do too. Let them think what they want. I don't fit in and I don't particularly want to if it means I have to be like them.

I have to edit due to flood control. Bye. I'll pm in case you don't get this.

Edited by lzfan715
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Im good thanks i got tickets to see Robert Plant and Alison Krauss! Im going with my dad and my brother :D its also two days after my birthday!!

How are you?

YAY that's great Hetty! :yay:

I'm happy for you! When is your birthday?

I'm fine, I woke up about 3 hours ago :lol:

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