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Doom Metal

Rock N' Rollin' Man

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just remember I`ve also gotten most of the Paradise lost albums between HIM/PARADISE LOST/CATHEDRAL/TROUBLE and DOWN I`m in DOOM HELL... of the above name bands which ones are in your play list/top ten... I mean who can live without the Trouble= The Skull, HIM = Dark Light, Down = NOLA Cathedral = TFE/CBR or Paradise Lost DT/Gothic/ICON. to be honest the list for mine is longer than I`d just been thinking about... upoos where`s the headphones...

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oops sorry its me again going back to the Fields Of The Nephilim I`ve been a fan from there album Nephilim, which I seem to remember being there second album. there a band which live are amazing Carl McCoy is a flamboyant frontman. cool as you like to the music is dark and moody...

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  • 3 weeks later...

right on dude of doom.... isn't the music we`ve all entered into doom, gothic and stoner metal bands pure metal tuned down guitars pounding drums and bass riff`s from hell... the more I`ve listen to the music of bands like orange goblin, down, graveyard, paradise lost, him, electric wizard and many of the other bands... ooh the vintage caravan and blues pills too!. I`ve also added the bands with which you have all post on here.

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  • 10 months later...

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