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Jimmy Photos To Be Auctioned


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Source: http://www.examiner.com/beatles-in-national/look-here-unseen-photos-from-final-lennon-recording-sessions-to-be-auctioned:-

The following lot will be offered for auction on November 3rd by Cameo Auctioneers.

Lot 50 - JIMMY PAGE - 5 rare 35mm B & W negatives taken by Philip Townsend outside the British Museum and in his studio in 1964 with Carter Lewis and the Southerners.

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At least one of these images has already been published. I distinctly recall it having been posted to this forum and my having commented on it being taken at the British Museum.


Therefore, it's a case of caveat emptor. The only thing is that the images appear to be described as 'rare', rather than 'unpublished'. Perhaps that is a way of getting round their having been previously seen publicly?

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At least one of these images has already been published. I distinctly recall it having been posted to this forum and my having commented on it being taken at the British Museum.

The auction site describes the pictures as "rare", which I guess is a fair description. I've seen the "leaning on the wall" picture before, but the others were new to me.

Nonetheless, I can think of better ways to spend £800. Jimmy's book doesn't even cost that much. But maybe I'll bid £20 and see what happens. :)

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