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So where is the "Band Of Joy II" studio l.p. yet?


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So where is the new Band Of Joy studio l.p.? Robert Plant said that he wanted a second studio l.p. out by the end of last year (2010) or the VERY beginning of this one (2011). He has bragged how there are 89,000 cover songs on Buddy Miller's laptop. So does any of this mean that they have been recording new studio stuff somewhere along the way of this tour? Um...you would have to record in order to get the recording out of course.

This fascinated me for a host or reasons...one being a new studio l.p. and the fact that he and or they would be able to release it so quick and soon after the first one. It has excited me how the possiblity of studio releases could be sped up quicker than they have been over the past thirty to forty years.

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So where is the new Band Of Joy studio l.p.? Robert Plant said that he wanted a second studio l.p. out by the end of last year (2010) or the VERY beginning of this one (2011). He has bragged how there are 89,000 cover songs on Buddy Miller's laptop. So does any of this mean that they have been recording new studio stuff somewhere along the way of this tour? Um...you would have to record in order to get the recording out of course.

This fascinated me for a host or reasons...one being a new studio l.p. and the fact that he and or they would be able to release it so quick and soon after the first one. It has excited me how the possiblity of studio releases could be sped up quicker than they have been over the past thirty to forty years.

Where did you read that? The only thing I read was Robert's mention of going back into the studio this year with the BOJ. Would have been very unusual to release two albums in such a short period of time.

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This is all news to me. All I've read is that Plant and Buddy Miller had already starting writing some brand new original material for the next record but that's it, I don't recall any mention of when it would be released or if would even be called "Band of Joy". As for how often artists release albums these days, there are some out there such as Ryan Adams and the Drive-By Truckers that have tried to release more than one record a year but were shot down by their respective record companies. That would also help explain why both of those artists have since left those labels (the Truckers signed to ATO, Adams started up Pax-American). Meanwhile, Willie Nelson continues to release at least 2-3 albums year, sometimes on separate labels.

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This also leads to the confusion of this "Band Of Joy" project for me. My understanding was that this was a group called "Band Of Joy" with basically a self titled studio l.p. The only reason in my mind why it has Robert Plant's name on it is so that the general public would know who it is or that he is involved, ala, that it is his group. I thought I also understood Robert to say that any group that he works with in the future will be The Band Of Joy. Whether or not he meant that literally or not I don't know. I would dought that Allison Krauss would join The Band Of Joy if they were officially called that if they were to work together again...right?

Yes I've heard about Plant/Krauss working on a second studio l.p. but I could almost swear Robert as saying in some interview recently about a new studio l.p. being put out by the end of 2010 or VERY early 2011 by The Band Of Joy.

...and yes I do think they (Plant/Krauss) will and or have always had the intent of recording and touring together again...

Where have you heard that there would be original material? Plant seemed to indicate if anything it will continue to be cover songs with the reference to Buddy Miller's laptop having whatever those thousands of songs on it to draw apon.

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I couldn't begin to tell you as Robert Plant is one of my favorite recording artists and I always read everything along the way...so sorry I guess at the moment I can't think of the exact source. Maybe it will come to me later.

I found the article that mentions Buddy's laptop but there's nothing in there about the release of a new Band of Joy record.

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