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The Zero 7 and Sia Furler Thread


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Good morning! :)

I'm unable to locate a thread on Sia Furler or the band Zero 7 utilizing the Search function. Perhaps that is due to the generic nature of the key words "zero" "7" "band" and "destiny" in any and all various combinations that I tried. That's why I created this topic thread for Zero 7 and Sia Furler.

At any rate, this is a band I know very little about.

I did do some "legwork" with a quick wiki check to learn they have been around awhile (guess I need to get out more!) and hail from the UK with a lead Australian singer named Sia Furler.

The song I stumbled on by accident was this video, apparently one of their biggest hits in the UK, maybe here too.

I love the song. It's primarily because of those vocal harmonies and Sia's style of singing. It's so different. I've never heard another singer quite like her.

I'm interested in people's opinions and any info you could share on the band.

Would you suggest the album "Simple Things" as their best music compilation for a newbie to the band?

Have you ever seen the band or Sia play live? How good was the show?

Thanks for your comments.:)........... missy

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Hi there!

Thank-you both for your replies. Wow, not many Zero 7 fans out there, huh? Pagemeister, very nice but that is not Sia singing. :o Just joking with you. I have discovered she's only a temporary contributor to the band. It doesn't matter much because the band sounds excellent even with various changes in the line-up. I listened to the samples for both CD's (very good stuff).

To my ear, there is a nice sort of sixties, psychedelic flavor in the background of a lot of Zero 7's music. I hear it a little more in the "Simple Things" CD.

I'm reminded of another band I stumbled on (via You/Tube) bearing that appealing slightly psychedlic background called, "The High Llamas".

I have NO idea if they are popular and I'm not going to start a post that will get zip replies. But just in case you haven't heard their music I pulled one of their songs. Maybe I'm totally off, but I do hear some similarites in the two bands.** :)................missy

** I listened to High Llama's "Snowbug" and "Buzzle Bee" samples when comparing them to Zero 7's "Simple Things" and "When it Falls".

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  • 5 months later...

Well, whaddyaknow...there IS a Zero 7 thread here on the board! Sorry I missed this, Missy, when you first posted it...I wasn't on the board very much during January. Otherwise, I would have been all over this, as I LOVED Zero 7 when they came on the scene, which coincidentally was when Portishead was just starting to go on their haitus before they came back a few years ago.

Unfortunately for you, Missy, and any other latecomers, Zero 7 is not the band they used to be. For one thing, most, if not ALL the singers from the first two crucial albums are gone; Sia Furler being the most conspicious and well-known singer to go solo on her own(it was her "Breathe Me" that was used in the last episode of "Six Feet Under").

Mozez, Sia Furler, Sophie Barker, and Tina Dico(who joined them for "When It Falls") are no longer with them.

It was 2001 when I first heard Zero 7's first album "Simple Things", when Nic Harcourt played it on KCRW's "Morning Becomes Eclectic" show. I fell in love with the chilled-out soulful soundscapes immediately. Later that year Zero 7 played the El Rey Theatre, and I went....I think it was their first LA show.

Now, I had only heard the record, and had not seen any photos of the band yet, so given the soulful nature of the singing, I had assumed that all the singers were African-American, or black. Therefore, I was in for a surprise when, aside from the male vocalist Mozez, all the female vocalists were white as can be. Sia was even from Australia fer chrissakes.

That show, and "Simple Things" were great, but the second record, 2004's "When It Falls", is a chill-out classic, and the concert they did that tour at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre in Hollywood is one of my favourite concert memories from the past decade. During "Somersault", Sia, Sophie and Tina did this simple little dance that was like a farmer's daughter or milkmaid doing a peasant dance...and it was sexier than anything Beyonce, Britney, Christina Aguilara, Rhianna, Miley and all the rest of the pop tarts have ever done! No stripper pole, no trashy lingerie, no boobs or ass falling out...just pure talent and knowing that being sexy doesn't have to entail disrobing.

By 2006's "The Garden", only Sia was left of the original vocalists...and she was soon gone too.

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. I'm glad I got to see them twice at least. I've since seen Sia on her own a few times and she is great and has put out some amazing records, too But I wish all the Zero 7 gang would get back together...it was blissful magic they created. I feel sorry for those that missed out.

So, Missy, and others...here's a few clips from the prime era of Zero 7: 2001-2004.

First up is Sia and Tina doing their milkmaid dance...it's "Somersault" from Zero 7's appearance at the 2004 Glastonbury Festival:


Next it is Sophie Barker's turn to shine in a performance of "In the Waiting Line" from "Later with Jools Holland" TV show:


Finally, Mozez gets his turn with this amazing song from the "When It Falls" album, "Morning Song"...I couldn't find a decent live clip, but I did find this amazing fan-made video:


I'll be back with some Sia Furler solo clips...and some more Zero 7.

Edited by Strider
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I like them very much - I think it was through Sex and the City that I first heard them. I have one of Sia's solo albums that's really good. Such a sultry voice.

Hoky Smokes! It's ninelives...I haven't seen you in ages! How've you been? Well, hopefully these Sia clips I'm about to post is from the solo album you have. They are all songs from her second solo album, "Some People Have Real Problems", which is my favourite out of the three albums she's done so far.

First up is Sia's "Beautiful Calm Driving":


Another one from "Some People...", this is a live performance of "You Have Been Loved" that she did at KCRW:


Finally, it's the lovely "Lullaby":

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:wave: Hey Strider! I've been okay thanks :) Nice to see you here in this thread! Yes that's the Sia album I have. Love it. How are the other two albums? You recommend getting them?

ABSOLUTELY! Start with her first, "Colour the Small One". I wanted to post "The Church of What's Happening Now" from that album, but EMI has blocked it from being on youtube. This also has the "Six Feet Under" song, "Breathe Me", which just about every woman I meet loves.

The next album "We Are Born" is merely good compared to the other two. There's a live album called "Lady Croissant", recorded at a Bowery Ballroom, NY show...she does Zero 7 songs as well as some from her solo album. Only 9 songs, but it's good and can be bought pretty cheap.

Actually, her "FIRST" solo record was one she did way back in 2002, called "Healing Is Difficult"...but it apparently didn't get much of a release over here. The only edition I have is an import Australian edition, and now it's out of print, so it may be hard and expensive to find. Plus, it's a lot different from her Zero 7 and current solo stuff, so you may not dig it anyway.

Edited by Strider
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And now a sample of songs from "Colour the Small One"...I guess I should have posted this first before the "We Are Born" post...oh yeah, it's because the freaking evil bastards at EMI have just about blocked anything from "Colour the Small One" from youtube.


"Sea Shells":

"Rewrite" - Live @ KCRW:


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ABSOLUTELY! Start with her first, "Colour the Small One". I wanted to post "The Church of What's Happening Now" from that album, but EMI has blocked it from being on youtube. This also has the "Six Feet Under" song, "Breathe Me", which just about every woman I meet loves.

The next album "We Are Born" is merely good compared to the other two. There's a live album called "Lady Croissant", recorded at a Bowery Ballroom, NY show...she does Zero 7 songs as well as some from her solo album. Only 9 songs, but it's good and can be bought pretty cheap.

Actually, her "FIRST" solo record was one she did way back in 2002, called "Healing Is Difficult"...but it apparently didn't get much of a release over here. The only edition I have is an import Australian edition, and now it's out of print, so it may be hard and expensive to find. Plus, it's a lot different from her Zero 7 and current solo stuff, so you may not dig it anyway.

Ooh thank you for the posts!!!!! I will definitely be looking for those! Too bad about the first official solo release. Would be curious to hear it but looking forward to the other two! :thumbsup::thanku:

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I'm reminded of another band I stumbled on (via You/Tube) bearing that appealing slightly psychedlic background called, "The High Llamas".

I have NO idea if they are popular and I'm not going to start a post that will get zip replies. But just in case you haven't heard their music I pulled one of their songs. Maybe I'm totally off, but I do hear some similarites in the two bands.** :)................missy

** I listened to High Llama's "Snowbug" and "Buzzle Bee" samples when comparing them to Zero 7's "Simple Things" and "When it Falls".

It's not like I'm a huge fan of The High Llamas but I have heard of them. Goes to show, you shouldn't be afraid to post about a band/artist just because you think no one has heard of them. You will never know until you take that chance.

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I like the High Llamas...but I have a hunch more people are familiar with the High Llamas' Sean O'Hagen's work with Stereolab, another band similar to the High Llamas, and excellent in their own right.

But yeah, Missy, like Jahfin says, feel free to post about any band, no matter how obscure you may think they may be. I personally prefer the more obscure band threads...it helps break up the dull monotony of having 3 or 4 Deep Purple/Blackmore threads going simultaneously.

I mean, what's left to be said about the Doors and the Stones at this point? I'm all talked out about those bands. That's why I find the Garage rock, Wilco or this thread more interesting to follow and offer my contributions.

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I mean, what's left to be said about the Doors and the Stones at this point?

Or Zeppelin. Since the band itself is inactive at this point, there's only so many times you can have the "what is your favorite song, concert, album, etc." discussion and have it still remain fresh. That's not to say there's no more to learn about them because that's simply not true. This section is a wonderful asset to the board as it can be a great place to find out about other music that may interest you. Thing is, the board took a major hit (like all of them did) when people starting flocking to Facebook.

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Back on point...here's some Zero 7 clips that focus on the other singers besides Sia...Sophie, Mozez and Tina.

Sophie Barker singing "Passing By" from "When it Falls":


Mozez singing "This World" from the debut "Simple Things":

Tina Dico doing "The Space Between" from "When It Falls":

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I'll end the night with three more good ones from Zero 7...

Sia does her magic with "Distractions" from "Simple Things":


The silky smooth Mozez gives us "Warm Sound" from "When it Falls":


Last but certainly not least, all 3 ladies...Sia, Sophie and Tina...serenade you with this live @ Glastonbury performance of "Destiny", again from the first album, "Simple Things":

Good night...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been listening to and enjoying the clips on this thread for days now.

The Zero 7 music, is without question some of the smoothest music I've ever heard.

I think Sia, Sophie, Tina and Mozez all have fabulous vocals, but Sia is still my favorite!

She may not be all glam, but to me she has one of the prettiest and most sultry voices going today.

That point is easily proven with a listen to the clip below of "Breathe Me."

Strider, you were right, what a great song.


What the heck, might as well throw in one more, a charming song, "Academia."


Thanks to everyone that posted the great clips!

Now I have to save up to order all these great Zero 7, Sia Furler, Stereolab, High Llamas albums/cd's! :) missy

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  • 1 month later...

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