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Listening parties


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It's been sometime now that I've been following this and that artist's listening party on respective websites.........I'm on the Blackmore's Night listening party page for their new album Autumn Sky....join me???

Now it's your turn to turn us on to your listening parties...don't be shy, c'mon!!:)



By blackglove at 2011-01-20


By blackglove at 2011-01-20


By blackglove at 2011-01-20

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I know that Ritchie purists hate B'sN, but I saw them live and they really ROCK the Middle Ages.....Ritchie eve does My fave tune at the end of every B'sN gig.....Black NIght :):):)

If any of you hAVE yourr own little listening parties, do post them here....c'mon, don't be shy :):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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