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LA Forum concert 1977


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Los Angeles Forum Concert, 1977

I think it was '77, but I am horrible with dates. Names and lyrics I can remember. Do you we remember, we, my sister brought in a trophy we all made, from the "Haynes Street Gang." We got a personal phone call from Peter Grant's office that it ended up on his mantle piece.

I was a young teen at the time, and we stood in line all night long to get tickets. We dragged my parents, in their late 40's to the concert. It was a fantastic experience, but the sound man was not qualified in my opinion. I play sax, clarinet, flute, drums, piano, dulcimer, guitar, harmonica and you name it. When it comes to singing though... I try..

But I know something of the profession, and quite frankly the band was excellent, but the sound system was poor. Oh well, it was great anyway. Not every gig is perfect!

But I have argued many times that Led Zeppelin is the best band in history. A dear friend pointed out the Beatles were better. It was a difficult argument that I still ponder. Then there is the Stones, Yardbirds, The Who. But bottom line is you wrote the best song of all time. Not Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, any of those. It was written and produced by Led Zeppelin. Period. I do not want to single out any member of the band because it was the beauty of how you all worked together, but Jimmy, Wow. I have had my own issues, but Man you got through yours. When I saw you on TV with the Black Crows, Holy Cow. Great stuff. And all of you. I sorely miss Mr. Bonham. He taught me how to play the drums. And you Mr. Jones get overlooked, but I certainly know the extreme talent of yours. Plant -- come on, without your vocals, the band would not have been. Hats off!

Two of the most sacred things in my life are Robyn Wing, my junior high school music teacher, and Led Zeppelin.

I am proud to be a fan.



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Well thank you fine sir!

I have put your inquiry forward to Richard Cole, their road manager at the time. If he has any recollection of it he's willing to share with this forum I will post it to this thread.

Rock On Rod!

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I've just received this reply to Rod's inquiry from Led Zeppelin's Tour Manager, Richard Cole:

sorry I cant really remember, but if our office called Peter must have instructed them to call you.

you're a funny fuck SAJ

gotta give you credit for that.......B)

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