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BBC 70's Programmes


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For us UK dwellers, and for our overseas friends, it has been long noted that the BBC is an institution. In the last few weeks we've had a reflected look at the 70's. I was born in 1961 so this is of an interest to me. The programmes have been great and the soundtrack to it has been top drawer. The last 2 weeks Zeppelin's music has featured heavily. Not surprising as the presenter is a Wolves fan. Last evenings show reminded me of Robert Plants comments at Earls Court as he was introducing Dazed and Confused. It was the time when the Labour Government and Dennis Healy, the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time, went cap in hand to the IMF for a wad of cash to bail out the our rapidly deteriorating pound and to be honest the Country.

It was a great Plantation - probably one of his best. " so we're having a good old time back in England. We're gonna have to fly soon, you know how it goes with Dennis, dear Dennis, private enterprise, no artists in the country anymore. He must be Dazed and Confused"

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i'm enjoying watching those too, I was born in '74 so my early memories of the seventies are quite different to the reality shown in the programme...and yes, the soundtrack is great. I also enjoyed the Sounds of the 70s they showed with Joni Mitchell etc.

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Yes Manchester in the 70's is unrecognisable compared to the wonderful city it is now. I used to go to loads of Gigs at the Free Trade Hall, which is now the Radisson Hotel. Long hair,flares and cheap beer. ahhhh the memories?

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Thanks Chillumpuffer, I will check these out.

Looking fwd to reminiscing about learning Latin by candlelight...

It's all there man. Drought,football hooligans, strikes, punks, rubbish on the streets, Jubilee and as you said candles out after 7. Classic this week when the Pistols were band from some Welsh town. I remember it at the time. Oh how i loved the 70's. Had my first joint at a UFO gig in 77. My mate threw up on a hippy chick he was trying to impress.

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Chillumpuffer, I agree, Manchester is great now and nothing like i remember it as a child, even in the 80s. I do remember a lot of IRA bomb scares when I was a kid, not sure how often they happened in reality but had to evacuate Kendals with my Mum once..

The Sounds of the 70s shown after is a 10 part series, so far there's been Arthouse Glam, Reggae and Troubadours, all on i-player if anyone's interested.

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Chillumpuffer, I agree, Manchester is great now and nothing like i remember it as a child, even in the 80s. I do remember a lot of IRA bomb scares when I was a kid, not sure how often they happened in reality but had to evacuate Kendals with my Mum once..

The Sounds of the 70s shown after is a 10 part series, so far there's been Arthouse Glam, Reggae and Troubadours, all on i-player if anyone's interested.

Yes there were quite a few IRA scares. But of course that sunny day in June 1996 changes the city forever. Just a pity they missed the Arndale Centre? To put things in perspective how the city changed. When i went to gigs in the 70's the only people on the streets were mainly going to the show.Unless it was weekend when we were hassled by the disco boys. It was quite eerie. Now of course it's packed 24/7. Makes you feel safer i suppose. But many a night we would get the last train home to Buxton, ears ringing, sweaty with our tour tee shirts on and the train packed with freaks. Now where's me Afghan?

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Our problem was the Teds, who used to hang around outside to pick us off as we exited the punk shows. But they usually came off the worse, haha. Assholes.

I remember a classic. We were coming home from a Motorhead show - i think 78. We had to walk past a disco haunt called Rotters ( how apt?) a few baggies were lining up to give us long hairs a "talking to" and they wouldn't let us pass by. But oh deary me about 100yds behind came a large group of real heavy biker guys. Never have I seen the pavement part so quickly.

Also when the "mods and ska boys" thought it was a good idea to congregate outside the Umist Union building to welcome out the "Heavy Metal Crusade" tour featuring Saxon & Iron Maiden. Never has an idea been so badly thought out. The Angels were on hand to give the suited ones a good thrasing.

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