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Hatfields and McCoys, History channel 3 part movie


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Is Jim Vance using an old Winchester with that gold stock? I believe Winchester's did go back that far? Gun of the old west. I have fired those 30/30's and they kick like a mule. A great gun now and then I am sure. The handguns of the day I would guess were mostly Colt's? Certainly if you were not hit in a vital area you could often survive a pistol shot. And no semi or automatic's to worry about. I wonder if that scope was one of the early Bushnell's?

Both sides were very wrong in things they chose to do. Jim Vance and Bad Frank were both far nastier than either of the leaders, Devil Anse or Randall McCoy. I do think two of the four that faced the firing squad deserved it. Certainly not all four. And Cotton Top's hanging was a travesty to say the least.

Here is a guide of characters and you can go back and forth to both families


There were a myriad of handgun makers by the 1860's, Colt's, Smith & Wesson, Cooper, Allen & Wheelock, Button, etc...just to name a few. Back then if you got shot period, even a minor wound would land you a 50/50 chance of taking the long drive to box city. Medicine was ok in the big cities but on the frontier, almost non-existant.

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There were a myriad of handgun makers by the 1860's, Colt's, Smith & Wesson, Cooper, Allen & Wheelock, Button, etc...just to name a few. Back then if you got shot period, even a minor wound would land you a 50/50 chance of taking the long drive to box city. Medicine was ok in the big cities but on the frontier, almost non-existant.

As for the medicine on the Frontier it was pretty much whiskey and moonshine I would guess? I only said you may survive easier in some situations then because the caliber of the pistols was not that large compared to lets say a 357 magnum of today. Some of them were like a 32 cal and if you get shot in a non vital area with a 32 you are going to live. Keep the whiskey coming but you will make it. Those doctors know how to at least remove a slug.

Man Turkey hunters of today must have drooled over those big Toms walkin in on Anse Hatfield. I would prefer one of those Turkey's to a ham dinner.

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Back in those days, in the 1870's, do you think they would have used the term "knocked up" in reference to a woman being pregnant? They did so in the movie. I just wonder if that would be accurate?

"Knocking" began as a term for serious flirting circa 1800. Originally it was because you were knocking on the maiden's "door" trying to "get in".

Understandably, this reference quickly changed to the actual act of "getting in" because beds knock against walls.

If you leave your boots on, literally done at that time, you are "knocking boots"- a Southern U.S. term.

Around 1813, the term "knocking up her boots" was common. A reference to the "missionary" position.

By 1830, "knocked up" began as a reference to what we now know it as today. Sadly, it was a reference to a slave woman who became pregnant.

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"Knocking" began as a term for serious flirting circa 1800. Originally it was because you were knocking on the maiden's "door" trying to "get in".

Understandably, this reference quickly changed to the actual act of "getting in" because beds knock against walls.

If you leave your boots on, literally done at that time, you are "knocking boots"- a Southern U.S. term.

Around 1813, the term "knocking up her boots" was common. A reference to the "missionary" position.

By 1830, "knocked up" began as a reference to what we now know it as today. Sadly, it was a reference to a slave woman who became pregnant.

Many thanks for answering the question. To Redrum, I am surprised if that is true about the shooting? It sure looks like West Virginia. I remember the Edge, with Anthony Hopkins, with the late great Bart the Bear, was actually filmed in Edmonton and it was supposed to be Alaska. Yet I know some of the over head shots were indeed Alaska. From the History channel. I have heard their may be a series created due to the success of the Hatfields and McCoy's? If so it would have to be based on their decendants to not be repetative. I really liked the series. Always loved Kostner and liked Paxton in Apollo 13, U-571. Just imagine living back then. And its only 120 or so years ago. Not that long ago in terms of History, looking at the big picture if you will. Just look how far we have come in that 100 years. Devil Anse would have lived to see the Titanic sink and the birth of aviation at best.

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