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Robert Plant 60 minutes interview

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Tara Brown was the interviewer and Robert was so charismatic but truthful about his days with Led Zepp. She fancied him rotten, but who wouldn't and she just couldn't stop smiling. His daughter, Carmen was there with one of his grandsons so he had to behave in a way. He's got a great sense of humour and doesn't take himself too seriously but I can't help thinking that it was such a shame that Led Zepp were compared to metal bands such as Black Sabbath when they first started, he obviously can't stand them as he said in another interview I watched. They were rock/blues with a twist in my mind and no one else sounded like them. The certainly were'nt heavy metal. I've just purchased Celebration Day and I can't wait to watch it in it's entirety. Did anyone else see the interview?

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