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For those of us who've never seen them play live, what are the things you've enjoyed about about seeing LZ live that can't be captured on 'film'?

I've got TSRTS (both versions), DVD & Celebration Day (but no bootlegs). Have browsed Plantations, O2 & Zep live threads.

But what's it like - actually being there? (Especially at their pre-1980 shows)

Go ahead, make me even more envious than I already am...

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Seeing Robert Plant live this weekend at Jazzfest, my recurring thoughts were 1) Robert Plant ROCKS 2) I sooooo wish Jimmy was on that stage with him, and 3) I cannot even imagine what it would have been like to see LZ live!!!!!! To hear four unbelievably talented musicians play with such passion and make every single note count...I just can't imagine it!! For all of the fans who were fortunate enough to witness this, you already know you hold a special memory that the rest of us can only dream about!!

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Seeing Robert Plant live this weekend at Jazzfest, my recurring thoughts were 1) Robert Plant ROCKS 2) I sooooo wish Jimmy was on that stage with him, and 3) I cannot even imagine what it would have been like to see LZ live!!!!!! To hear four unbelievably talented musicians play with such passion and make every single note count...I just can't imagine it!! For all of the fans who were fortunate enough to witness this, you already know you hold a special memory that the rest of us can only dream about!!

Yes, but only because we are old farts!!!

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Lucky old farts! Like Ddladner, I pine for the real thing. Saw Robert last year. Very cool but not the whole shebang by any stretch. Thanks Plantpothead - imagine most of the experience is beyond words.

Love to hear how it felt in your own words & also curious about details like how they interacted on stage, what or who caught your eye during performances, did Jimmy tune in between songs etc? What stayed in your mind after you left? Thanks!

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Hello All!

Potplanthead, I had to laugh at that comment^^

My first time (as many here know) to see them live was New Orleans May 14, 1973... and then Baton Rouge in 75. So the first time I was almost 13 years old. Now let me explain the vibe. There was no you tube, downloads any of that stuff. Albums and FM radio! What you got to hear about them came from other people seeing them live,magazines and FM radio. Press was brutal in the beginning (morons!) Plus, as a band they were not as public as a lot of bands were, so they had this mystery about them.

I had a first cousin who worked for the different venues throughout New Orleans behind the scenes, and my neighbors had one girl who I was friends with and she was almost 15 and she had brothers who were 18 at the time, so my Mom was so cool to let me go to concerts with them. I was at the Warehouse at 10 going to concerts!

First of all to get a ticket you had to wait in line, there was none of this ticket master, stub hub stuff like today. So you would wait in line and create new friendships just by talking about the music. Back then a lot of really great bands came to New Orleans, but when it was Led Zeppelin it was truly like the Gods were coming. The power was going to be released on you:-) :superman:

Day of concert, standing in line for hours and hours at the venue, party like crazy with strangers and people you knew. I was so excited just waiting I felt like I was going to bust! Then as they hit the stage these four magnificent creatures walk out and they were just breathtaking! You knew you were about to be taken on a musical journey unlike no other. The mosh pit was unbelievable. Yes, people were stoned out of their minds..it was the 70's, it was a given:-) There was no taking a break to go to the restroom, to hell with that, I wasn't going to miss a note. I had waited almost 4 years to see them live. Dazed and Confused and Moby Dick were mind blowing, No Quarter & Rain Song was brilliantly beautiful and Stairway was still kind of new so to hear it live it was truly like an out of body experience (and I still think it is the masterpiece). I wept through No Quarter and Stairway as my emotions were so over come. It was perfection, beauty, raw..they were having a good time and we were right there to take this journey with them. They were like an engine that purrs, but kicks ass when you put the metal to the petal! All cylinders firing perfect. Robert's Plantations were great. The ENTIRE concert was amazing. :thumbsup:

I had everything as far as albums that had been released by 1971, then kept adding. I had saved my babysitting and chore money to buy the albums. I would play them over and over and over. I had parents who also loved music so I was fortunate:-)

Most here that know my story of my first time in 69 sitting outside a bar in the French Quarter while my Dad was in the bar, I hear "I Can't Quit You Baby" and that was it!! Growing up in New Orleans music was a culture, a way of life really. But Led Zeppelin, infused blues like nobody's business.

So to sum it up, see where I am at, still my band and I will probably be in a rocking chair one day still listening to Led Zeppelin and smiling from ear to ear just thinking of the memories. :peace: At least I hope so:-)

I do feel your pain at never seeing them live. For me it was never seeing Elvis live.

Edit to add: I remember it was a school night and my Mom said you will get up as you need schoolin..and I had better keep A's if I wanted to go to concerts:-)

Edited by Deborah J
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I have told this story before, when I saw them in '71, it was in a wrestling/boxing stadium. The ring was removed and the stage was put against the back wall. This created a large empty area in front of the stage. When the group came on stage and started playing, a load of people ran towards the stage completely blocking the view of most people behind them. Amazingly the group stopped playing and sat down on the stage until the morons returned to their seats. I remember thinking what a great thing to do, showing so much respect for the fans. But I think I remember the concert mainly because I got to hear Stairway before it was released ( the concert was in November and the LP wasn't released until December), the whole thing was a lot to take in (I was 16 at the time). I was like being transported into a different world, unfortunately it was before tracks like The Rain Song had been written. The concert wasn't the usual 3+ hours, but it seemed to go on forever. I still remember my ears were still buzzing the following day in school. I was buzzing for weeks.I was lucky enough to see them at more concerts, each time I saw them they got better, and believe me after the first concert I never thought it could be possible. I don't recall if JP tuned up in between songs, I was too much in awe of what was going on around me, people were going wild,jumping about, and having a great time. I do remember thinking what are these old bastards doing listening to LZ....I didn't realise what a widespread appeal they had. I daresay that people who know me think the same today as I did in '71, now I am the old bastard!!!!

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That was spine-tingling Deborah J! Love the lead up info & then what the crowd were like. Can imagine all that. Bet they were breathtaking - Robert strutting & Jimmy with his leaps. And like an 'engine that purrs'! Briliant stuff. Knew this would hurt..arrrggg, the excrutiating ecstacy of it! Thanks so much for sharing your memories.

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Hi Plantpothead. That's great that they treated their fans so well - they seem to really love playing live. And the fact that they got better & better is awesome - how amazing to have seen them at different stages of their career. There must have been an extraordinary energy at their shows - love the thought of being 'transported into a different world'. Cannot imagine hearing Stairway live first time - mindblowing! Not surprised you were on a high for ages afterward. Thanks!

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You mentioned not having any boots. You should seek them out. Even though you aren't there listening still gives a thrill like none other. Bootlegs are the closest thing to time travel and are the only way to experience live Zeppelin in their heyday. Listening to Zep boots you will hear moments of sheer genius that will send shivers down your spine.

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OK.Boots sound like the way to go. Appreciate your suggestion Juxtiphi. So impressed with the power & energy in their albums. Have heard/seen a few live tracks on utube but will look out for whole shows to get a better sense of being there. Has been a buzz hearing others' first hand experiences too - their still fresh excitement is so evident - and catching!

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