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Potential band names from my Bayer week killer product


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After manually pulling several hundred weeds from my neglected lawn, I decided to buy some spray-on week killer. Lo and behold, I discovered many potential band names from the list of weeds that the product kills. I envision several bluegrass/heavy metal band names here. Not a complete list, but here go...

Black Medic, Buckhorn, Chickweeds, Cudweed, Dollarweed, Goosegrass, Knotweed, Oxalis, Pennywort, Prostrate Pigweed, Speedwell, Wild Carrot, Wild Mustard.

And my favorite....Creeping Charlie. Holly shit!!! That's it Creeping Charlie. Instant platinum seller!!!!

Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome to the stage....PROSTRATE PIGWEED...pigweed...pigweed...igweed..igweed...weed....weed..eed..eed......

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I'd say wild violet (round leaves with purple flowers) is the hardest to get rid of - it spreads and roots in like crazy. I choose to bend over and pick each weed or sprig of crabgrass while I mow, instead of using these products. It sounds nutty, but works if you're diligent enough.

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