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Hey, I live about 5 minutes away from Swansboro! :lol:

And you know what? I had no idea that was going on on the 23rd :lol::wtf:

Cool. I used to live there but due to hurricanes and other mitigating factors we had to sell our family home along the Intracoastal Waterway in Cedar Point a year or so ago. That doesn't stop me from missing it incredibily though.

Funny thing about that area, singer Ryan Adams hails from right up the road in Jacksonville (aka "Jacksonhell") but you'd be hard pressed to ever find many people around there that have ever heard of him.

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Cool. I used to live there but due to hurricanes and other mitigating factors we had to sell our family home along the Intracoastal Waterway in Cedar Point a year or so ago. That doesn't stop me from missing it incredibily though.

Funny thing about that area, singer Ryan Adams hails from right up the road in Jacksonville (aka "Jacksonhell") but you'd be hard pressed to ever find many people around there that have ever heard of him.

Wow, Cedar Point is really nice, no wonder you miss it...I'm over there almost every day at the Bogue house BBQ restaurant...I'm addicted to BBQ B)

We don't have the riches to live over in that neck of the woods...we have a nice little house in Hubert though :lol: I'm not too keen on Hubert....bombs and guns always going off near our backyard :rolleyes: My husband loves it though, he's been here for 25 years...

'Jacksonhell' :hysterical:

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Thankfully I still have family in the area so I try to visit as often as I can. One of my favorite haunts is the Yacht Club but unfortunately they only have live music one night a week now. Otherwise, they've given into a DJ who brings in more of the meatmarket/singles crowd and plays Hip Hop/Rap almost exclusively. Used to, the clientile was more like something out of a vintage Jimmy Buffett song: shrimpers, bikers, hippies, rednecks, Marines, surfers/skaters, tourists, locals, a diverse mix of people.

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Ryan has many songs about Jacksonville specifically and the area in general but The End is one of his more recent ones:

I don't know the sound of my father's voice

I don't even know how he says my name

But it plays out like a song on a jukebox in a bar

In the back of my head

Till its worrying machine

And in the cotton fields by the house where I was born

The leaves burn like effigies of my kin

And the trains run like snakes

Through the Pentecostal pines

Filled up with cotton and dime store gin

Oh Jacksonville, how you burden my soul

How you hold all my dreams captive

Jacksonville, how you play with my mind

How my heart goes bad

Suffocating on the pines in Jacksonville

The end, the end, the end

All the cars are lined up on a Saturday night

With a sky full of nothing but moon

And I lose my reflection in a bottle of wine

Till the morning comes down

And I ain't nothing but blue (you)

At the diner in the morning for a plate of eggs

The waitress tries to give me change, I say

"Nah its cool. you just keep it"

I read up my news

I start thinking about her

And I wonder if anybody here besides me

Has got any decent secrets

Oh Jacksonville, how you burden my soul

How you hold all my dreams captive

Jackson-Hell, how you play with my mind

How my heart goes bad suffocating on the pines

In Jacksonville

The end, the end, the end

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Hahahahahaha....Yacht Club. Yeah, we know about the Yacht Club. I knew a lot of people that hung out at Lazybones and the Flying Bridge as well.

I read about that Ryan Adams in the Max Magazine from the the Jacksonhell Daily News :P Those were some great lyrics. I first came to Jacksonhell in 1979 when the mall had just been built :lol:

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Max Mag is one of the first places I read about Ryan (and his old band Whiskeytown) as well. I used to work at WSFL in New Bern back in the early 90s. I remember someone bringing by one of their early singles but I'm not sure if it ever made it onto the airwaves. I've always been a huge fan of the NC music scene but getting into Ryan and Whiskeytown (as well as lots of other local artists) around that same time renewed my interest.

My Dad first discovered Swansboro back when he was in the Navy and stationed at Camp Lejeune. For years we stayed at the Bear Lodge Motel (now the Waterway Inn) for fishing trips but ended up getting a cottage in the early 70s. I moved down there in '92.

Nice to make your aquaintance.

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Awesome, I listen to WSFL quite a bit(you're not Big Dog are you?) :lol:

I've done some work at the Waterway/Bear Lodge after a few different hurricanes.That place takes a beating every time a hurricane rolls through as does alot of those establishments along that stretch of 24.

Do you know who Kitty West is? She's an old friend of mine who used to play up in Beaufort at the Dock House and many other places along the coast here.I would bet that you do :D

Pleased to make yours too!!!

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Awesome, I listen to WSFL quite a bit(you're not Big Dog are you?) :lol:

No, I'm not but I used to work with him. He got out of radio totally. Like me, he's become increasingly dissatisfied with the direction it's taken. "Bob the Blade" from the now defunct WRDU in Raleigh took his place in afternoon drive time and from what little I've heard, has actually breathed new life into the station.

I've done some work at the Waterway/Bear Lodge after a few different hurricanes.That place takes a beating every time a hurricane rolls through as does alot of those establishments along that stretch of 24.

Tell me about it. Our former residence is located on that stretch between the Wildlife ramp and Dudley's Marina. We were in a flood zone, a huge strike against us in the event of a hurricane. We had been hit so many times we had become a special case with FEMA but they never saw fit to fund us the money to put our house on stilts. That was only one of several factors which eventually led us to sell, the encroaching highway was another. We were always close to the road and had several accidents along there over the years to prove it. The most recent being a truck flipping and landing on our back porch just a few years ago.

Do you know who Kitty West is? She's an old friend of mine who used to play up in Beaufort at the Dock House and many other places along the coast here.I would bet that you do :D

Yes, I do although I've only seen her perform one time (at a friend's wedding). The last I heard she was homeless and in very ill health out west somewhere. Some of her local friends have banded together to try to help her out and get her back home. According to the blog entries on her MySpace site she is back in NC and under treatment for her illness:


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No, I'm not but I used to work with him. He got out of radio totally. Like me, he's become increasingly dissatisfied with the direction it's taken. "Bob the Blade" from the now defunct WRDU in Raleigh took his place in afternoon drive time and from what little I've heard, has actually breathed new life into the station.

I didn't think you were 'The' Big Dog :lol:, I don't know what happened to him...he seemed like an ok guy :) I've been listening to Bob the Blade, and I enjoy his knowledge of music. I didn't know that WRDU was gone...I would listen to that station when I went to Raleigh.

Tell me about it. Our former residence is located on that stretch between the Wildlife ramp and Dudley's Marina. We were in a flood zone, a huge strike against us in the event of a hurricane. We had been hit so many times we had become a special case with FEMA but they never saw fit to fund us the money to put our house on stilts. That was only one of several factors which eventually led us to sell, the encroaching highway was another. We were always close to the road and had several accidents along there over the years to prove it. The most recent being a truck flipping and landing on our back porch just a few years ago.

Yeah, I know that area very well. I remember the truck flipping over on your back porch too lol. I just didn't know it was YOURS....

Sorry about you having to lose that awesome piece of property, because that is an amazing part of the intercoastal.

Yes, I do although I've only seen her perform one time (at a friend's wedding). The last I heard she was homeless and in very ill health out west somewhere. Some of her local friends have banded together to try to help her out and get her back home. According to the blog entries on her MySpace site she is back in NC and under treatment for her illness

I've known Kitty since 1981, when I was in the Marine Corps and watching her play at the E-clubs around Camp Lejeune and Camp Geiger. She went out with one of my good friends, and we followed her around from club to club. We acted as her roadies to get into the Staff and NCO Clubs :lol: We got kicked out of a few of 'em :lol: I introduced her to my wife before she left for the West coast (she told Kyna that she looked like a fairy-child :lol:). We know very much about her illness...we're one of her 1600 friends on Myspace, you might have seen us :lol: We hope to see her soon, we keep in touch with her as best we can...She is in Snow Camp, NC...she is a trooper :thumbsup: I don't know how she played at your friend's wedding, but I wish you could have seen her at her finest...she's an exceptional showperson :)

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I didn't think you were 'The' Big Dog :lol:, I don't know what happened to him...he seemed like an ok guy :) I've been listening to Bob the Blade, and I enjoy his knowledge of music. I didn't know that WRDU was gone...I would listen to that station when I went to Raleigh.

Actually WRDU is still on the air, they just went country just like WQDR before them. It is now known as The Rooster. Blade got an offer to stay on as an announcer there but it didn't take long for playing country music to get to him. He slipped on The Song Is Over by The Who and got the hell out of there. You can read all about it in this very accurate Wiki entry:


Yeah, I know that area very well. I remember the truck flipping over on your back porch too lol. I just didn't know it was YOURS....

Yep. I got a call from my brother one day when I was at work in Jacksonhell. He said, "there's a truck upside down on the backporch". I saved photos that ran in the Jacksonville Daily News but am not sure where they are at present. Thankfully no one was home at the time.

Sorry about you having to lose that awesome piece of property, because that is an amazing part of the intercoastal.

Believe you me, I miss it and if there was any way we could have hung onto it, we would have. There was just too many factors involved in hanging onto it and it was no longer feasible so we were left no other option than to part with it.

I've known Kitty since 1981, when I was in the Marine Corps and watching her play at the E-clubs around Camp Lejeune and Camp Geiger. She went out with one of my good friends, and we followed her around from club to club. We acted as her roadies to get into the Staff and NCO Clubs :lol: We got kicked out of a few of 'em :lol: I introduced her to my wife before she left for the West coast (she told Kyna that she looked like a fairy-child :lol:). We know very much about her illness...we're one of her 1600 friends on Myspace, you might have seen us :lol: We hope to see her soon, we keep in touch with her as best we can...She is in Snow Camp, NC...she is a trooper :thumbsup: I don't know how she played at your friend's wedding, but I wish you could have seen her at her finest...she's an exceptional showperson :)

As I recall, she was in fine health at the time. If I'm not mistaken she performed Amazing Grace. I have been hearing about Kitty since the 70s. As long as she's been around it's strange how I never saw her perform until just a few years ago. I think anyone here would be completely blown away by reading her history on her MySpace site. She is definitely one of the unsung heroes of rock n' roll and a dyed in the wool hippie, the best kind. She has certainly seen a lot and played with so many of the greats over the years.

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Channel Surfer

Ever Dream of Owning a Private Island?


By Commodore “JB” Bagby,

Bethesda Yacht Club, Contributor

Lat 34.68N Long -077.12W, White Oak River ICW, Green Daymarker “47” - The island here has been in private hands for years, but when a volleyball net, lawn chairs and a flagpole with an American flag went up on its shore a year ago, rumors started. This year, a sign proclaims “Pelican Island” and a 32-foot fishing boat was beached. I have watched the progress of the mysterious owners with curiosity. Soon, the boat was painted its tropical pastel light aqua and coral pink and given the name Corina. I knew there were fun folks behind this with a name from the song “Corina, Corina” by Brooks and Dunn, sung by many 1960s artists. Who are these folks?

“Yeah, some guy bought it for $29,000, but I don’t know who,” said the owner of the Icehouse Restaurant on the Swansboro waterfront where my search started.

“I didn’t know it had a name,” said a gift shop clerk whom I asked for information about Pelican Island.

Woody and Laura Woodrum of the Swansborough Yacht Club said, “JB, you know Justin. That’s his boat over there.” And indeed, local waterman Justin Wysowski sold his old fishing boat for $10 to Donald Suggs.

Owner of the Harbour House in the historic district and captain of the 46-foot charter ocean yacht Sea Dancer II, Donald Suggs was found sealing his dock. “About a year ago, two partners and I bought the island from Richard Oliphant, a friend from Greensboro. The Phillips family here owned it before that.” He related a story about family outings to other island beaches where once a warden warned him he couldn’t have a beach fire, and sometimes the language of other parties got out of hand. “We just wanted somewhere to take the family and five grandchildren with nobody telling us what to do.”

“It’s just the perfect little family place,” said Debbie Suggs.

Partner Russ Davis, like all of us, had dreamed of owning an island “and the dream sort of turned into a nightmare when Donald told me we were partners after he made the purchase.”

The third partner, father of four Pete Cockrin, “from everywhere on earth, Miami, and Emerald Isle,” is known as the only property owner there with three horses, the only ones on Bogue Banks.

“We all went over and cleaned up the island, got rid of the ‘sticker burrs,’ and now have a grill, horseshoes and a small picnic table. That’s all. Don’t have any plans for anything else,” Donald said. “Everything was taken off the boat before we took it over—engine, fuel tanks, everything. The bottom was in bad shape, so it was removed. The boat now has a floor with holes in it so the boat won’t float away if the water were to rise over its supports. It’s anchored, tied down, so it’s not going anywhere in a storm.”

And speaking of storms, that is one great advantage of owning an island in view of your mainland home. “It’s right there. If something blows up, we can just come right on home,” said Debbie.

Motorists going across the White Oak River Bridge at the Onslow County and Carteret County line notice the brightly colored boat. Although it is private property, boaters and kayakers do stop by for a look at the three-acre island. “I’m not going to go out and chase anybody off the island. All I ask is for people not to leave any trash.”

Want an island yourself? There is another available in the area for around a million dollars….

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Blade got an offer to stay on as an announcer there but it didn't take long for playing country music to get to him. He slipped on The Song Is Over by The Who and got the hell out of there. You can read all about it in this very accurate Wiki entry:

Yeah, I just read that about him in that Wiki entry...that's hilarious :lol: I think I could relate to that.

Believe you me, I miss it and if there was any way we could have hung onto it, we would have. There was just too many factors involved in hanging onto it and it was no longer feasible so we were left no other option than to part with it.

The property itself was probably worth more than the house, maybe you should have bulldozed it and built one on stilts. I know that would cost a lot of money, but it possibly would have been worth it...I'm sure you did all right selling it though.

As I recall, she was in fine health at the time. If I'm not mistaken she performed Amazing Grace. I have been hearing about Kitty since the 70s. As long as she's been around it's strange how I never saw her perform until just a few years ago. I think anyone here would be completely blown away by reading her history on her MySpace site. She is definitely one of the unsung heroes of rock n' roll and a dyed in the wool hippie, the best kind. She has certainly seen a lot and played with so many of the greats over the years.

She is the quintessential hippie all right :lol: "for that great relief of having you to talk to" lyric is something I associate with her. She is amazing to talk to and listen to, as she has some of the greatest stories in the music business. Maybe some of the folks on this board will check out her Myspace (your post#11)

The private island thing is pretty funny. :lol: I see it every day on the way to work. It took me awhile to figure out what the heck was going on over there. (That's the island they launch the fireworks from on the fourth of July, but I'm sure you know that :lol:) I did some work on a guy's house last week that lives just up from Pete Cockrin and is good friends with him. Pete has a beautiful house on Coast Guard Road and has horses on EI. (Some people's kids... :lol: )

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The property itself was probably worth more than the house, maybe you should have bulldozed it and built one on stilts. I know that would cost a lot of money, but it possibly would have been worth it...I'm sure you did all right selling it though.

Yep, that was a possibility but lack of funds was one of several things keeping us from doing that. The other would the "mitigating" factors I've refered to, mainly that the property was owned by my brothers and myself. They love Swansboro and the property but most of them wanted out. The other factors were the storms and the proximity to the highway. As much as it hurt to part with it we were left with very little recourse.

She is the quintessential hippie all right :lol: "for that great relief of having you to talk to" lyric is something I associate with her. She is amazing to talk to and listen to, as she has some of the greatest stories in the music business. Maybe some of the folks on this board will check out her Myspace (your post#11)

I hope they do too, she has many wonderful stories to tell. Another great local treasure is Tommy Redd of Nantucket. Although he lives in Raleigh these days every once in a while one of his bands (Boogie Chillins, Soul Daddies) or even Nantucket will play the area. All of my older family members and friends saw Nantucket many, many times at local clubs growing up but I never saw them until the late 70s when they played Fayetteville on a bill with Cheap Trick and AC/DC (Nantucket was second on the bill as Cheap Trick was relatively unknown at the time). That was when they were at the top of their game and riding high on the success of their Epic Records debut. Unfortunately that fame would be short-lived and they'd soon find themselves dropped from the label. In the years since I've had an opportunity or two to speak with Tommy about his adventures with Nantucket and the many bands they shared bills with over the years. Some of his tales have finally been published in a book about AC/DC called Let There Be Rock: The Story of AC/DC.


The private island thing is pretty funny. :lol: I see it every day on the way to work. It took me awhile to figure out what the heck was going on over there. (That's the island they launch the fireworks from on the fourth of July, but I'm sure you know that :lol:) I did some work on a guy's house last week that lives just up from Pete Cockrin and is good friends with him. Pete has a beautiful house on Coast Guard Road and has horses on EI. (Some people's kids... :lol: )

I first heard about it via The Mullet Wrapper (Tideland News) but have seen it several times since. It also made me wonder about the folks that built the small cabin and pier on the island just across from Dudley's as the people that built it are very seldom there (at least when I was still living on the Intracoastal). Also, for quite some time there was a houseboat down by the Emerald Isle bridge that was always a little controversial since they were actually living there. It appears they've moved on as I haven't noticed the boat during my last few trips down to the coast.

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Also, for quite some time there was a houseboat down by the Emerald Isle bridge that was always a little controversial since they were actually living there. It appears they've moved on as I haven't noticed the boat during my last few trips down to the coast.

Those people were still there as of this summer...everytime we'd drive over the bridge we'd wonder about it. It was controversial, I remember there being something about it in the newspaper or something...but you're right, I don't remember having seen them lately. Maybe they've moved South lol

(And I didn't know there was a new AC/DC book out, I'm going to have to check that out....)

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I hope they do too, she has many wonderful stories to tell. Another great local treasure is Tommy Redd of Nantucket. Although he lives in Raleigh these days every once in a while one of his bands (Boogie Chillins, Soul Daddies) or even Nantucket will play the area. All of my older family members and friends saw Nantucket many, many times at local clubs growing up but I never saw them until the late 70s when they played Fayetteville on a bill with Cheap Trick and AC/DC (Nantucket was second on the bill as Cheap Trick was relatively unknown at the time). That was when they were at the top of their game and riding high on the success of their Epic Records debut. Unfortunately that fame would be short-lived and they'd soon find themselves dropped from the label. In the years since I've had an opportunity or two to speak with Tommy about his adventures with Nantucket and the many bands they shared bills with over the years. Some of his tales have finally been published in a book about AC/DC called Let There Be Rock: The Story of AC/DC.


A friend of mine is in a band called 'Slammin' Dixie' and one of their band members played bass for Boogie Chillins, I believe.

I've been hearing ads for Nantucket on WSFL...I guess that one's in Greenville. I remember them playing in Jacksonville in the early 80's, maybe at the Chateau Madrid? I remember the Joe Perry Project playing there, as well as Steppenwolf. Both of those were fiascos :lol:...was the show you saw in Fayetteville at the Cumberland County Arena? (I saw Ozzy there in '81 and Rush there in '82)

I first heard about it via The Mullet Wrapper (Tideland News) but have seen it several times since. It also made me wonder about the folks that built the small cabin and pier on the island just across from Dudley's as the people that built it are very seldom there (at least when I was still living on the Intracoastal). Also, for quite some time there was a houseboat down by the Emerald Isle bridge that was always a little controversial since they were actually living there. It appears they've moved on as I haven't noticed the boat during my last few trips down to the coast.

I see Kyna already posted about the squatters in their floating mobile home :lol: I was happy to see that eyesore gone, as I'm sure the folks on the Intracoastal are... :rolleyes:

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Those people were still there as of this summer...everytime we'd drive over the bridge we'd wonder about it. It was controversial, I remember there being something about it in the newspaper or something...but you're right, I don't remember having seen them lately. Maybe they've moved South lol

I'm not sure how much truth there was to it but I recall reading something about the owner of the boat saying shots had been fired at them. Apparently they weren't breaking any laws but it's obvious that nearby residents weren't happy with them being anchored there.

(And I didn't know there was a new AC/DC book out, I'm going to have to check that out....)

I only browsed through it to read Tommy's comments but believe you me, they were priceless. Especially the story he tells of Nantucket's tour bus breaking down while on tour with AC/DC. When they took it in to be repaired the mechanics began taking it apart and discovered bag after bag of weed stashed away inside the structure of the bus. The previous owners? A North Carolina gospel group.

Edited by Jahfin
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I'm not sure how much truth there was to it but I recall reading something about the owner of the boat saying shots had been fired at them. Apparently they weren't breaking any laws but it's obvious that nearby residents weren't happy with them being anchored there.

:lol: Ah yes, North Carolinians and their guns :P That was one thing I had to get used to moving here :P Seems like everytime there's a disturbance, someone's got a gun ready :lol:

I only browsed through it to read Tommy's comments but believe you me, they were priceless. Especially the story he tells of Nantucket's tour bus breaking down while on tour with AC/DC. When they took it in to be repaired the mechanics began taking it apart and discovered bag after bag of weed stashed away inside the structure of the bus. The previous owners? An North Carolina gospel group.

:hysterical: Oh, I like stories like that.... :rolleyes: I'm a big AC/DC fan, they're my second favourite group after Zeppelin...most people don't like them too much, but I'm not embarrassed, dammit :lol: There's just not too much to be written about them, because they haven't done as much high-profile 'stupid-rockstar-shit' that everyone else seems to have done...:lol:

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A friend of mine is in a band called 'Slammin' Dixie' and one of their band members played bass for Boogie Chillins, I believe.

That would probably be Ray. I think he may have also done a short stint in the White Oak River Boys. I caught a Boogie Chillins show at The Dive in Peletier this past year with Slammin' Dixie opening but only saw part of their set. I've recommended several Triangle area bands to The Dive and while they've been kind enough to book them, they never really drew a crowd but that's another thread entirely. Scroll down to the Trip to Bizarro World entry from Terry Anderson's blog for a tale from The Dive:


I've been hearing ads for Nantucket on WSFL...I guess that one's in Greenville. I remember them playing in Jacksonville in the early 80's, maybe at the Chateau Madrid? I remember the Joe Perry Project playing there, as well as Steppenwolf. Both of those were fiascos :lol:...was the show you saw in Fayetteville at the Cumberland County Arena? (I saw Ozzy there in '81 and Rush there in '82)

Nantucket are all pretty much from the area and were based out of Jacksonville in their heyday. I saw them many, many times back in the 80s and have caught the occasional reunion gig over the years. The most recent being a show at the now closed Club Tropics in Swansboro, the bar that used to be a Pak-A-Sak. During the show lead singer Larry Uzzell related a story about how their first ever gig was at Swansboro High School way back when they were still known as Nantucket Sleighride.

Yep, I believe that was the name of the venue where I saw Nantucket. I think it's now the Crown Coliseum. I remember a lot of good shows coming there over the years but the Cheap Trick - Nantucket - AC/DC bill is the only one I ever made it to. Nantucket has an unofficial site here if you care to check it out:


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:hysterical: Oh, I like stories like that.... :rolleyes: I'm a big AC/DC fan, they're my second favourite group after Zeppelin...most people don't like them too much, but I'm not embarrassed, dammit :lol: There's just not too much to be written about them, because they haven't done as much high-profile 'stupid-rockstar-shit' that everyone else seems to have done...:lol:

Aside from a song or two I was fairly unfamiliar with them at the time. In fact, I thought they were a punk rock group. The way the audience was spitting on them (a compliment in other countries) did little to make me think differently. Towards the end of the show Angus came through the audience playing guitar on the shoulders of one of their crew members. As he came by everyone punched him in the shoulder, another thing that still made me think they were "punk rock". I did became a fan that night though and feel very privileged to have seen Bon Scott before he died.

AC/DC and several other bands are immortalized in this song by the Drive-By Truckers. Not sure if they're your cup of tea or not but they're definitely worth checking out the next time they come through. This is from their album Southern Rock Opera, loosely based on the tragic tale of the original Lynyrd Skynyrd:


(Hood / DBT)

Dropped acid, Blue Oyster Cult concert, fourteen years old,

And I thought them lasers were a spider chasing me.

On my way home, got pulled over in Rogersville Alabama, with a half-ounce of weed and a case of Sterling Big Mouth.

My buddy Gene was driving, he just barely turned sixteen.

And I'd like to say, "I'm sorry", but we lived to tell about it

And we lived to do a whole lot more crazy, stupid, shit.

And I never saw Lynyrd Skynyrd but I sure saw Molly Hatchet

With .38 Special and the Johnny Van Zant Band.

One night when I was seventeen, I drank a fifth of vodka, on an empty stomach, then drove over to a friend's house. And I backed my car between his parent's Cadillac's without a scratch.

Then crawled to the back door and slithered threw the key hole, and sneaked up the stairs

And puked in the toilet.

I passed out and nearly drowned but his sister, DeeDee, pulled me out.

And I never saw Lynyrd Skynyrd but I sure saw Molly Hatchet

And the band that I was in played "The Boy's are Back in Town".

Skynyrd was set to play Huntsville, Alabama, in the spring of '77, I had a ticket but it got cancelled.

So, the show, it was rescheduled for the "Street Survivors Tour".

And the rest, as they say, is history.

So I never saw Lynyrd Skynyrd but I sure saw Ozzy Osbourne with Randy Rhoads in '82

Right before that plane crash.

And I never saw Lynyrd Skynyrd but I sure saw AC/DC

With Bon Scott singing, "Let There Be Rock Tour".

With Bon Scott singing, LET THERE BE ROCK!

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That would probably be Ray. I think he may have also done a short stint in the White Oak River Boys. I caught a Boogie Chillins show at The Dive in Peletier this past year with Slammin' Dixie opening but only saw part of their set. I've recommended several Triangle area bands to The Dive and while they've been kind enough to book them, they never really drew a crowd but that's another thread entirely. Scroll down to the Trip to Bizarro World entry from Terry Anderson's blog for a tale from The Dive:

Yes, that is definitely Ray. Kyna and I saw The White Oak River Boys headline at The Dive with Slammin' Dixie as the openers. We also saw ZoSo there on a Sunday night, the crowd was pretty thin, and Kyna doesn't think that ZoSo really wanted to play there :lol: We've seen them from Jacksonville, FL (Freebird Cafe) to Jacksonville. NC at Planet Rock, they played pretty kickass shows.

Nantucket are all pretty much from the area and were based out of Jacksonville in their heyday. I saw them many, many times back in the 80s and have caught the occasional reunion gig over the years. The most recent being a show at the now closed Club Tropics in Swansboro, the bar that used to be a Pak-A-Sak. During the show lead singer Larry Uzzell related a story about how their first ever gig was at Swansboro High School way back when they were still known as Nantucket Sleighride.

Yeah, I knew Nantucket was from this area and Kitty had some stories of her own about those boys.

Yep, I believe that was the name of the venue where I saw Nantucket. I think it's now the Crown Coliseum. I remember a lot of good shows coming there over the years but the Cheap Trick - Nantucket - AC/DC bill is the only one I ever made it to. Nantucket has an unofficial site here if you care to check it out:


It was called the Cumberland County Memorial Arena, that's my ticket to see Ozzy there in 1981 :lol:

What do you remember about Court Street? :lol:

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