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The Influnce of each Zep memeber


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When I read and hear about the members of Zep. It seems to me that each brought an influnce to the band that made it so dynamic.

It has occured to me that Robert was seen as more as a blues singer and Page was more of a rock n roller guitartist. JPJ and Bonzo were into Soul and Funk at the time they formed.

So if Page is a Rock guitarist. What makes him different from a blues guitarist? The same thing with Plant. Is there really a big differnece between blues and rock singers?

In my mind Rock feels like you can run and jog to it. Blues is more like walking.

I do feel the funk soul feel from JPJ and Bonzo. They were listening to a lot of James Brown. I really feel it a lot on LZ 2. Esspecially the LLM and the Lemon Song

Anyone care to chime in.


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Blues has more feel to it. Blues was all about "letting out the blues..", while Rock is just a style of music. There are differences in the way they're played. I think Page was more of a Blues guitarist when Zeppelin formed, but slowly his style of soloing changed through the years.

...beautiful early photo of the Band...

I agree........Jimmy Page has indicated in interviews that while Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck can be classified as "Blues Guitarists"...he, himself, cannot be "categorized"....Over the years both Robert and Jimmy became extremely diverse, but now Robert has returned to Blues with Allison, and Jimmy too has passionately paid tribute to blues in his upcoming movie......

Out of the two, in my opinion, Robert explores "most" diverse creativity, ie. exploring Morocco - arabic music, African Music....I think it is just part of his deep personality/lifestyle....

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