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Inaudible vocals


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I dig ya. Some songs were tough to make out in the later years, but somehow I like all three of those songs so I managed to look up the lyrics and deal with it. It seemed as though the vocals were less focused upon in the later stages of the band. The music seems louder and the recording of Plant's voice seems different and more mumbled. I wonder if this was just a musical shift or due to Plant's surgery and what not.....!!?? Good to know I am not the only one who has had this thought before.


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Why does it seem to me that certain songs that zep did after PG weem inaudiable? I can't really make out Sick again/Wanton Song/Caroselambra.

Why degrade the vocals at that stage of the game! It does not make sense to me.


I suppose I agree with you.

Edited by ledzep45
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