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I discovered a mirror-image of Robert Plant!


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To anyone who has seen this tribute band, what are your thoughts on "Robert Plant"s performance? Does anyone (dis)agree with my thoughts?

To anyone who hasn't seen them... Led Zeppelin II experience is an incredible zeppelin tribute band who look, dress, act, sing, and best of all - can play like Led Zeppelin as if it were actually Zep back in '69. These guys can rock and have clearly dedicated themselves to creating the illusion that the band you're watching on stage is actually Zeppelin!

The band actually introduced themselves as Plant, Page, Bonham, and Jones. I could go on about the band, but this is about Plant. The singer replicated Robert Plant's mannerisms; from the way he sang into the mic, to the way he lazily held his body and hands, to the hair flips, and to the sweet, chilled vibe Plant always embodied. Not to mention he actually LOOKED pretty damn close to Plant (after a few beers, you'll think it IS Robert Plant)!! He had Plant's hair(was it real?). The clothing was spot-on as well. All looks aside... his voice was incredible and he also spoke with Plant's accent. He hit all the high's that Plant could hit. He "sang" with Page's guitar like Plant could. He did all the grunts and eccentric sounds that Plant always did with his voice.

It was quite the surreal experience seeing this band play. If any of the former members of the late Led Zeppelin actually come across this forum; absolutely no one can replace Plant, but Plant can be filled-in for. Instead of rehearsing with singers trying to sound like Robert Plant, try out a guy who thinks he is Robert Plant.

Just to avoid upsetting anyone, I am not affiliated with the band and am not advertising. I just have some unrealistic aspirations of someone with connections actually catching wind of this and getting this singer to fill in for Plant.

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Jones made it clear in press reports that the last thing they were looking for were "soundalike" singers. They also never had any plans of touring under the name "Led Zeppelin".

Ah, I see. So they were just looking to form a band and pay tribute to their tunes in a new light. I could see why they would rather play with a singer they actually desire to work with as opposed to picking up a random soundalike who may not fit in with the group. I don't really understand why they would blatantly avoid a singer who sounds like Plant though...

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Ah, I see. So they were just looking to form a band and pay tribute to their tunes in a new light. I could see why they would rather play with a singer they actually desire to work with as opposed to picking up a random soundalike who may not fit in with the group. I don't really understand why they would blatantly avoid a singer who sounds like Plant though...

. . . for the obvious reason that people would compare him to Plant, and trust me, I don't care how many beers I've had, I could tell the difference! ;)

(Plus they might want to avoid working with some other guy who THINKS he's RP--I don't think being a psycho was a qualification for the gig! Which is over now, anyway.)

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They were not looking to copy themselves. They need to evolve and grow. If they found someone to copy Robert Plant, he would criticize them. And we know that no one ever tops Robert Plant. That is why Leona Lewis sang Whole Lotta Love. Robert Plant won't complain about her.

Edited by eternal light
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Since they don't care what the singer sounds like, why don't they get the guy who dresses like Elvis

in "Dread Zeppelin"? Personally, although he doesn't look like Plant, James from Virtual Zeppelin is

the closest vocalist I've heard to Robert Plant. Agreed, he looks nothing like Plant, but put a mop on

his head in dim lighting, drink 6 or 7 beers, and you'd think he was the real deal!

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To anyone who has seen this tribute band, what are your thoughts on "Robert Plant"s performance? Does anyone (dis)agree with my thoughts?

To anyone who hasn't seen them... Led Zeppelin II experience is an incredible zeppelin tribute band who look, dress, act, sing, and best of all - can play like Led Zeppelin as if it were actually Zep back in '69. These guys can rock and have clearly dedicated themselves to creating the illusion that the band you're watching on stage is actually Zeppelin!

The band actually introduced themselves as Plant, Page, Bonham, and Jones. I could go on about the band, but this is about Plant. The singer replicated Robert Plant's mannerisms; from the way he sang into the mic, to the way he lazily held his body and hands, to the hair flips, and to the sweet, chilled vibe Plant always embodied. Not to mention he actually LOOKED pretty damn close to Plant (after a few beers, you'll think it IS Robert Plant)!! He had Plant's hair(was it real?). The clothing was spot-on as well. All looks aside... his voice was incredible and he also spoke with Plant's accent. He hit all the high's that Plant could hit. He "sang" with Page's guitar like Plant could. He did all the grunts and eccentric sounds that Plant always did with his voice.

It was quite the surreal experience seeing this band play. If any of the former members of the late Led Zeppelin actually come across this forum; absolutely no one can replace Plant, but Plant can be filled-in for. Instead of rehearsing with singers trying to sound like Robert Plant, try out a guy who thinks he is Robert Plant.

Just to avoid upsetting anyone, I am not affiliated with the band and am not advertising. I just have some unrealistic aspirations of someone with connections actually catching wind of this and getting this singer to fill in for Plant.

The only thing you didn't say was where you saw this tribute band... unless you did and i missed it. I'm in Toronto Canada, where are you? Don't tell me your in bloody europe or somewhere like Australia...
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. . . for the obvious reason that people would compare him to Plant, and trust me, I don't care how many beers I've had, I could tell the difference! ;)

(Plus they might want to avoid working with some other guy who THINKS he's RP--I don't think being a psycho was a qualification for the gig! Which is over now, anyway.)

Hey dude, lighten up. The guy didn't say he was watching the real thing... besides, some of us never got the chance to see the real deal. If for one moment i can hear live Zep music off the floor i'll take it! And you'll say,"no body should ever ape Zeppelin man". Well guess what, mozart, bethoven and bach are played all the time. I consider zeppelin to be in that group and will be talked about and played 300 years from now as well because imitation IS the most sincere form of flattery.
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Ah, I see. So they were just looking to form a band and pay tribute to their tunes in a new light. I could see why they would rather play with a singer they actually desire to work with as opposed to picking up a random soundalike who may not fit in with the group. I don't really understand why they would blatantly avoid a singer who sounds like Plant though...

To quote John Paul Jones, they didn't want to become a "tribute band". It doesn't seem to bother some people but I think it's fucking pathetic when bands like Journey pick Steve Perry clones to replace him (and I'm no fan of Journey, believe me). That's just one example. There was also Ripper Owens, who Judas Priest picked from a Priest tribute band to take Rob Halford's place. The latest Perry clone in Journey came from a YouTube search. Some people may not share my opinion but to me, that's just fucking sad. Thankfully Page, Jones and Jason Bonham didn't want to take the same route. It may put me in the minority but I was actually more interested in the new music they might make than hearing them rehash Zeppelin classics. Of course they would have played them in concert but not as a "tribute", hopefully it would have been with a new spin on them just as Page and Plant did with the Unledded project. What would have been the point of just finding someone that sounds identical to Robert Plant and then doing a new album of that kind of material followed by a tour where they did those along with the Zeppelin songs just as everyone was accustomed to hearing them? To me, that would make them no different than what Journey and lots of other bands that have lost key members are doing.

Edited by Jahfin
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Hey dude, lighten up. The guy didn't say he was watching the real thing... besides, some of us never got the chance to see the real deal. If for one moment i can hear live Zep music off the floor i'll take it! And you'll say,"no body should ever ape Zeppelin man". Well guess what, mozart, bethoven and bach are played all the time. I consider zeppelin to be in that group and will be talked about and played 300 years from now as well because imitation IS the most sincere form of flattery.

He said he was watching something indistinguishable from the real deal . . . in his opinion.

And I had no intention of saying 'no body should ever ape Zeppelin man" but now you mention it, perhaps I will. :D I mean, actually, those people can do what they like, but personally the imitation always reminds me of how far it is from the real thing (and guess what, the same doesn't apply to Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach because it's their compositions that are being played, not their performances that are being imitated). After all, if the guitarist is as great as Jimmy Page, for example, what's he doing in a tribute band?

I DO understand the desire to see live Zeppelin, which is why I'd never say tribute bands shouldn't do what they do or that people shouldn't enjoy it. But saying that it sounds like the real thing is something else--time to go back and really listen to those albums/boots!

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To quote John Paul Jones, they didn't want to become a "tribute band". It doesn't seem to bother some people but I think it's fucking pathetic when bands like Journey pick Steve Perry clones to replace him (and I'm no fan of Journey, believe me). That's just one example. There was also Ripper Owens, who Judas Priest picked from a Priest tribute band to take Rob Halford's place. The latest Perry clone in Journey came from a YouTube search. Some people may not share my opinion but to me, that's just fucking sad. Thankfully Page, Jones and Jason Bonham didn't want to take the same route. It may put me in the minority but I was actually more interested in the new music they might make than hearing them rehash Zeppelin classics. Of course they would have played them in concert but not as a "tribute", hopefully it would have been with a new spin on them just as Page and Plant did with the Unledded project. What would have been the point of just finding someone that sounds identical to Robert Plant and then doing a new album of that kind of material followed by a tour where they did those along with the Zeppelin songs just as everyone was accustomed to hearing them? To me, that would make them no different than what Journey and lots of other bands that have lost key members are doing.

Umm...yes, trying that would have been bad, but then again Plant and Page miraculously found each other right after Coverdale & Page, so the hope of that happening again might have had been one reason to toy with the idea a little. :rolleyes:

Edited by Zanadu
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