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The Rover

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Posts posted by The Rover

  1. Sozo has the basic meaning of rescuing one from great peril. Additional nuances include to protect, keep alive, preserve life, deliver, heal, be made whole.

    Sozo is used 108 times in the NASB (Click following for all 108 uses in NT: 14x Mt, 13x Mk, 16x Lu, 6x Jn, 13x Acts, 8x Ro, 8x 1Cor, 1x 2Cor, 2x Eph, 1x 1Th, 1x 2Th, 4x 1Ti, 2x 2Ti, 1x Titus, 2x Heb, 5x Js, 2x in 1Pe, 2x Jude) and is translated as: bring...safely, 1; cured, 1; ensure salvation, 1; get, 1; get well, 2; made well, 5; made...well, 6; preserved, 1; recover, 1; restore, 1; save, 36; saved, 50; saves, 1; saving, 1.

    Sozo is sometimes used of physical deliverance from danger of perishing (see Mt 8:25; Mt 14:30; Lu 23:35; Acts 27:20 27:31), physical healing from sickness (Mt 9:21-22; Mk 5:23, Acts 4:9), and deliverance from demonic possession (Lu 8:36).

    More often sozo refers to salvation in a spiritual sense as illustrated in the following passages: Matthew recorded the angel's conversation with Joseph declaring

    "She (Mary) will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save (sozo) His people from their sins." (Mt 1:21)

    Here sozo is equated with deliverance from sins (guilt and power of) with Jesus' name being a transliteration of Joshua meaning "Jehovah is salvation".

    Jesus warned His disciples "And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved (sozo)." (Mt 10:22, cf Mt 24:13) Note it is not one's endurance (self effort or works) that save them but that one is able to endure because of the fact that they are saved. Again Jesus was teaching His disciples about salvation and declared

    "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." And when the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, "Then who can be saved?" (Mt 19:24-25)

    Here He equated entrance into the kingdom of God with being saved. In explaining to His disciples and the multitudes what it meant to come after Him, denying self, taking up one's cross and following Him, Jesus declared that

    "whoever wishes to save (referring to one's physical life) his life shall lose it (eternally); but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's shall save (spiritually) it (eternally)." (Mk 8:34)

    Jesus speaking to a

    "woman in the city who was a sinner" (Lu 7:37) "said to her ""Your sins have been forgiven" (Lu 7:48) and then

    "Your faith has saved (sozo) you; go in peace." (Lu 7:50).

    In these passages Jesus equates sozo with forgiveness of sins, confession of faith and experiencing peace! In a parable explaining the role of the Word of God and the character of the "soil" in salvation, Jesus taught that

    "those (people) beside the road are those who have heard (the seed, the Word, the Gospel); then the devil comes (Mark's gospel adds "immediately", "at once") and takes away (present tense - continually) the word from their heart, so that they may not believe and be saved." (Lu 8:12)

  2. When I first saw Zep, they still had a hippyish vibe about them that I liked. :hippy: I know that you remember those days too, Rover.

    Yes. MSG, I really do remember seeing Zep for the first time in August of 1970. Very Hippe feel to it all. The boys had just spent time communing together recording LZ III. It was a very Groovy Concert ! Mt first time getting high, albeit, second hand smoke.... a LOT of second hand smoke...

    That was special time. I remember seeing this chick, down in the floor seating, about 20 rows back....she stood out becuase she had a bid head of blonde hair, and she stood --on the seat of her chair-- rocking and moving and grooving through most of whole concert. I know that the boys must gotten energy for her as well :hippy:

    Sad to say, I never got to see Janis in person. But there's always the Monterey Pop Festival footage. B):D

  3. I wouldn't classify myself as a "die-hard" Janis fan but, as a woman (and not a wanton one), I never found that photo (and others like it) offensive. That is just what things were like back then. ftr, I never found the antics that the Zep guys engaged in back in the day offensive either.


    Janis looks like the Coolest Chick on Earth in that Pic !!!!

    Has anyone spoke about Robert says how Janis took him alongside and gave him adivce of things ? ?

    It was on the Charlie Rose show with in the last year or so, and was on othe old board....

  4. I chose "The Rover" because is one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs.

    "The Rover" sums up for me what "Led Zeppelin" is all about.

    I have been a fan for a long time, and have never yet burnt out on hearing this studio version of "The Rover". At this stage in my Led Zeppelin life, I would quickly turn off the studio version of "Heartbreaker" or "WLL".

    The fact that "The Rover" is not apprectiated by most media reporting on PG or Zeppelin's great musical legacy as a whole, is also a reminder of how little you can trust any corporation to give you "the skinny" on anything musical.

    Corporate Classic Rock radio has helped, by not over-playing "The Rover". In fact, they hardly, if ever play the song.

    When PG came out in 1975, "The Rover" was the 'Hard Rocking' song that I liked the most from the album. I couldn't give a flying rat's ass what the radio decided to play. No matter how many times I hear the studio versions of "Kashmir", "Trampled Underfoot", and "The Rover"..... It's ALWAYS "The Rover" that sounds best to me. So coporate rock radio can play "Kashmir" and "TU" for the Millionth time....and it does not sway my opinion, not in the least!

  5. Joelman...go to a lawyer and if you've been a good boy since then get your record erased :) Easy peasy! I'm just guessin' that they wouldn't let you in because they didn't want the competition ;)

    They're just protecting their National Drug ... Beer !

    When I applied for a home loan, there was an credit card write off $1600 on the Credit Report.

    Upon Investigating.... the write off amount was $16.00, which I had to write a check for at closing. No telling how long that had been on my credit report, as I closed the account 15 years earlier. I knew the $1600 was impossible, as the Macy's card only had a $250 limit on it when I got the card.

  6. I saw ELP in 1973 in Dallas on their Brain Salad Surgery Tour. It was a Quad concert ( BIG speakers in front, and in the back of the auditorium).

    I recommend their Live CD "Welcome Back My Friends" to anyone curious about what all the talk is about ELP.


    I got my UK copy new from Half-Bay for a Good Price.

  7. http://www.nme.com/news/tabloid-hell/33768

    Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant labelled Radiohead “crap” while out drinking in north London at the weekend, according to The Sun’s Buzarre column.

    According to the paper, Plant was drinking with a woman and demanded that the music playing in the pub was changed.

    Apparently Plant described Radiohead as “rhyming crap”, and also rubbished Red Hot Chili Peppers (whose music he likened to a nursery rhyme) before settling on Captain Beefheart.

    Well that's Excellent..... some one telling it like it is !!!!! B):D

  8. 14495162.JPG

    For those that are interested.... this 992 page tome is now available at Barnes & Noble for an after-Holiday Sale of just $7.98.

    I particularly enjoyed reading about The Beatles first meeting with Bob Dylan in 1964 in NYC. You know, where Dylan got the Boys to go "Herbal", instead of Pharamacuetical..

    Check it out!

  9. 14495162.JPG

    For those that are interested.... this 992 page tome is now available at Barnes & Noble for an after-Holiday Sale of just $7.98.

    I particularly enjoyed reading about The Beatles first meeting with Bob Dylan in 1964 in NYC. You know, where Dylan got the Boys to go "Herbal", instead of Pharamacuetical..

    Check it out!

  10. A lot of people have a fondness for the original 70's SNL cast,

    but as shown in that special, the 90's were a strong decade.

    The Chris Farley Chippendales sketch was one of the all-time best.

    Yes, indeed, the 90's were a strong decade for SNL.

    More consistency than in the 70's.

    But, I think that the most memorable individual skits...were done in the 70's.

    I say "most" memorable. I love the best of the 90's also. I was already 20 when SNL debuted. So, I guess if I had seen some of the more juvenille and sophpomoric stuff when I was a teen, or pre-teen, then that would make a difference in how I perceived the show.

  11. Sorry I missed it! My husband and I were big fans of the original show. We loved Belushi. There's a classic clip of him doing an imitation of Joe Cocker. We still laugh about it b/c we'd seen Joe Cocker in concert back in the day and Belushi did a great imitation of him. Speaking of the old SNL, back in the early days of the show, they'd sometimes make reference to or mention Zep in the context of a skit.

    Bill Murray referenced Zep frequently. Several times in the Lounge Singer act.

    Now that the entire first season is out, people can see what we saw in our "youth"... B)

  12. I saw the show originally when it began in the 70's. That's my favorite SNL memories.

    There was a 2-hour Special on tonight that featured highlights and cast comments on the SNL of the 90's. There were many funny bits with the very talented cast.

    They also showed some excerpts from musical guests in the 90's.....

    All I have to say.... is what a dearth of musical talent that SNL chose to feature in the 90's !

    But then, SNL's Musical Guests mostly sucked, only occasionaly being something special.

    Hell, tonight, I thought 5 of the bands ALL SOUNDED THE SAME !!!

    The only thing that Rocked, was Aerosmith ---- doing a song --- from the 70's !!!!

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