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The Rover

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Posts posted by The Rover

  1. Today, I was watching the Dallas Cowboys vs. Houston Texans football game, and near the end of the game, a sideline shot showed a Dallas Player, Kyle Kosier #63, Guard, sitting without his helmet on. He had an ice-pack on his right knee from a sprain that occurred in that game. But what was amazing, was how Kyle Kosier looked like Bonham, from the late 70's. Kyle is almost 32 years old, and has grown his hair long, and with his beard, and his hair hanging over his ears, why he looked just like Bonham, in that TV shot today ! ! ! I wish I had photo of Kyle on the sideline at the end of that game, but I don't!

  2. Back in Austin, Texas it was a hot son of a gun, I had tickets to head that direction. It was hot and I had a preludin and I chewed it up. Needless to say I was buzzing and the floor was covered with a brown tarp to keep astro turf from getting messed up. The first band on was Bad Company and during the third or fourth set they introduced Jimmy Page and the place went nuts. I was there for 15 or so hours and on the Fandango album of ZZ Top is the crowd that was there. That was the first and last time they had that since it cost to much to repair items. I would like to see a DVD of that event.

    I do not remember seeing any pro filming of that show back in 1974. There were no big screens used either.

    ZZ Top did put on a fine show that night !

    I could barely see Jimmy onstage, because, before Jimmy was announced, only some people were standing for Bad Co., but when Jimmy was introduced...EVERYONE on the floor of that packed stadium stood up to catch a view of him.

  3. I was there last night too - got a bunch of video - clips that I'll link to later - once they're uploaded.

    Thanks for Review and list... What A Night ! ! !

    I'll have to wait for Satisfaction until Nov. 18th in Dallas.

    Here's Joe Travers intro and the beg. of TSRTS

    Danny Carey and "No Quarter"

    And this is my fav clip so far...

    Chad Smith (of the RHCP) - Achilles Last Stand

  4. I remember driving home in the late afternoon of Sept. 25th, as the sun was setting low in the west. I was flipping radio channels, one of my presets was Dallas's WRR Classical radio, and WRR was at a news break, and that's when they said: "John Bonham, the drummer of Led Zeppelin, has died." That was so strange, as WRR, to my knowledge, had never broadcast any news about any Rock musician, that I ever remembered. I immediately turned off the radio.

    When I got home I darkened my apartment, and listened to the local rock radio station for a little while. They weren't doing anything special... I shut the radio off, and I went and crawled into bed, and went to sleep. I did not want to know any more about it... the facts of the matter, would be revealed as time went on. I had to let this sink in.

    A few weeks earlier, I had just received my first ever correspondence from Swan Song (UK). It was a postcard thanking me for my letter to the organization, in which I was touting the new Reunion Arena in Dallas as a venue for Zeppelin to perform in on their North America Tour.

    The night Bonham died, there were fans waiting overnight in line to buy tickets, in Buffalo, I believe. No Dallas dates had been announced for the first leg of the US tour.

    Later, in December, Zeppelin released their statement "We wish it to be known that the loss of our dear friend and the deep respect we have for his family, together with the sense of undivided harmony felt by ourselves and our manager, have led us to decide that we could not continue as we were." I originally thought it was callous and selfish to end the band like that. But now, I know what they knew all along.... that Led Zeppelin could not continue, without it's Heart & Soul, who was indeed, the drummer, John Henry "Bonzo" Bonham.

    My appreciation for John Bonham grows with each year's passing. John is the "Jimi Hendrix" of the Rock Percussion Universe.

  5. UK Proposes All Paychecks Go to the State First


    he UK's tax collection agency is putting forth a proposal that all employers send employee paychecks to the government, after which the government would deduct what it deems as the appropriate tax and pay the employees by bank transfer.


    The Govt. will gladly pay you on Tuesday, or whatever day it deems appropriate.

  6. Alice In Chains performs Kashmir with the Northwest Symphony Orchestra of Seattle

    From the 2007 benefit performance for the Seattle Children's Hospital. (Friday, November 2, 2007)

    NO One can sing "Kashmir" like Robert Plant, but, the symphony and the band do a fine job. William sounds great on the lower octave notes of the song.

  7. Unlike the OP, I never heard LZ on the radio before I heard them on an LP.

    I began to hear about LZ by word of mouth as I began my Freshman year of High School in 1969. The buzz on the street was unlike anything I had ever felt before, excepting the buzz on the street about The Beatles in 1963-64, which is unlike anything that I have ever experienced since.

    So, with the money I earned from my paper route that I threw after school, I went and purchased my first LZ album in October of 1969. It just so happened that their "new" album was out and well stocked in the record bin. That's the album that I bought, LZ II. I carefully balanced the album as I rode my bicycle home from the store that night.

    I literally went into the 'closet' to listen to the new album. My parents home had a "music room" closet that contained the receiver and the turntable, and lots of LPs. The speakers, however, were in the living room....so, I put on the Koss Headphones, and let 'er rip, as they say.... :D

    The sonic assault of "WLL" was so intense to my 14 year old "Hard Rock" virgin ears (and mind).... that NO THING went through my head when I first heard Led Zeppelin, EXCEPT... the MUSIC itself.... and that Music, that sonic assault, of voice, guitar, bass, and drums, FILLED my mind, my heart, and, my soul.

    For some reason I wanted to listen to the opening tracks of each side, first, before listening to the entire album.

    And so, the second Led Zeppelin song that I ever listened to was "Heartbreaker". I had NEVER heard anything like that before.

    I was 100% sold on the band at that point. My first favorite band, was The Beatles, and now my favorite band as a teenager (and beyond)... is Led Zeppelin.

    Listening to LZ II with those Koss headphones on, on one of those initial "hot" pressings of the album, well, it was stunning and exhilarating... mind-blowing. When something touches you like that.... there are no words... no thoughts to sum it up. The experience itself, is the statement of what has taken place.

  8. Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie Team Up for the 2010 Halloween Hootenanny Tour


    The Dallas Date is Saturday, October 23, 2010 at the Verizon Theater (the old Nokia Theater in Grand Prarie)...

    Dallas Tickets are on Sale today.

  9. Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie Team Up for the 2010 Halloween Hootenanny Tour


    The Dallas Date is Saturday, October 23, 2010 at the Verizon Theater (the old Nokia Theater in Grand Prarie)...

    Dallas Tickets are on Sale today.

  10. I just checked the ticketmaster site and there are tickets available for tonight. Be quick and be lucky!!!

    Not sure how many are available, but I clicked for one ticket and it worked. But I released it since I'm already going.



    That picture of Plant is cute because of the art behind it and how Robert's hair melds into it... :)

  11. Jimmy Page was mentioned in an article about Jerry Lee Lewis in the Wall Street Journal of Wed., Sept. 8, 2010. It's a nice overview of Jerry's career. (Jimmy does not play on the new album).

    Killer Poised to Strike Again


    Mr. Lewis's new album "Mean Old Man" came out last week on Sept. 7th.

    On Sept. 29, Mr. Lewis will be in Los Angeles, celebrating his 75th birthday.

    From his earliest rock 'n' roll hits in the late 1950s, Mr. Lewis's wild streak and piano-pounding performances quickly came to define rock's unhinged image. John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, Elton John and virtually every major rock act since has borrowed from Mr. Lewis's spring-loaded style. An original Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee in 1986, the high-strung, hell-raising boogie-woogie country shouter also is the father of rebel-rock and country-R&B.

    Upon meeting Mr. Lewis, what you notice first are his ink-black gunslinger eyes that seem to be waiting on you to draw. His handshake is hard and strong, as though he's been working with tools all his life rather than a piano.

  12. The info was just posted on Ticketmaster this morning:

    For Nokia: American Express presale 9/8 at 10am and general public 9/10 at noon.

    Looks like no amex, no good seats.

    Good Luck!!!

    Yes, it looks like an AMEX only presale, and not an "Internet" presale, like there was for other dates.

    I noticed an interesting requirement for all shows at the Nokia Theater, that is -not- necessarily a requirement at other venues that the JBLZE will be held at:

    This event is for ages 16 and over unless accompanied by a ticketed adult.

  13. The problem is they are ringing every bit out of it until it's a meaningless drone of Stairway leading into Freebird leading into Hotel California.

    I think.... the corporate rock radio stations seek their advertising dollar$ from companies, who, it just so happens, in most cases, are seeking "meaningless drones" to market their wares to..... A marriage made in Heaven Hell, as far as I'm concerned. The radio station's ONLY creativity is their latest promotion, contest, and, dumb jokes to tell on the "morning drive in show". The depth of their musical playlist is NOT on their radar screen. And, it can't be, as control of what gets into the playlist has been taken away from all DJ's in corporate rock radio stations. That's left up to the "professional consultants". Basically, the radio station is there for the benefit of the holding company and their stockholders, and the benefit of the radio station's advertisers. Any music fans with other than a shallow view of music, are really -NOT- their target audience, regardless of the musical genre.... Corporate Radio stations seek shallow listeners of all genres for their advertisers. Believe me, they've done their research. They know well, that, if you are a serious lover of music, that you will be listening to Satellite and Internet radio, or, the occasional specialty show, that usually appears on Non-Commercial or College stations.

    FM rock radio is now the equivalent of riding the local public bus, in contrast to what FM Rock radio used to be a "Magic Carpet Ride", before BIG Business took an interest in FM Rock Radio, and naturally fucked it all up, with narrow playlists, to please those Big $ advertisers and the Radio Network stock holders, seeking that most common of audiences..... a vicious spiral down ... of cultural death.... straight to the bottom of mediocrity !

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