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The Rover

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Posts posted by The Rover

  1. I see this thread is called going to the movies. Yet people are posting movies that havent been in theatres in decades. Whats up with that? Isnt there another thread for favorite movies?

    It'sa all relative...... Many movies out today are retreads of movies and television shows that have been out for decades.

    Midnight movies often show movies from the 60's and the 70's.

    So, going to the the movies can and does often mean a trip down memory lane.

    Get Over It Yukon ! ! :D

  2. "Katyn" tells the story of Polish people getting killed by Russian soldiers in Katyn forest during WWII. It was a massacre that was denied for a long time. Sometimes doing so balms passions, but more often it only inflames them. Not exactly light fare, so I didn't end up watching it yesterday because I had a nice relaxing dinner with friends and by the time I came home, couldn't stomach something so heavy.

    Here are a couple of links with more info:

    IMDB: Katyn


    It is known that Russia intentionally allowed the Germans to wreak havoc as they entered Russia, as Russia wasn't endeared to some of the ethinic groups that were in the path of the advancing Germans. In other words.... the Russians let the Germans do some genocide work for them....

  3. You never can tell but I get the impression they're done with those for a while. If anything, we'll see a continuation of the current Star Trek crew next.

    You know.... this new ST movie heralds a whole "New" Franchise, according to Paramount vice chariman Rob Moore as revealed in Entertainment Weekly:


    Since the box office peak of the original film series in 1986 (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), the Trek brand has devolved into a near-irrelevant cultural joke, likely to inspire giggles and unprintable curses from even its most ardent supporters. After a succession of contrived TV spin-offs (the last, UPN's Star Trek: Enterprise, mustered only a feeble 2 million viewers in its final season) and mediocre features based on the best of the bunch (Star Trek: The Next Generation), even people who'd built their entire careers around Trek could see the writing on the wall. ''Star Trek,'' says Leonard Nimoy, ''had run its course.''

    ''Every studio in town is searching for these kinds of franchises, so it was important for us to reboot,'' says Brad Weston, Paramount's president of production. ''But we needed a clean, fresh take on this thing.''

    Creatively, he (J.J. Abrams) was engaged by the possibility of a Star Trek movie ''that grabbed me the way Star Wars did.'' That meant a bigger budget and better special effects than any previous Trek film, plus freedom to reinvent the mythos as needed. ''We have worldwide aspirations and we need to broaden [Trek's] appeal,'' says Weston.

  4. I think Ann Wilson has one of the most incredible female rock voices in the business.

    When Ann decides to belt one out.... it's something ! !

    Love those old Heart songs.... :D

    Even It Up

    Mistral Wind (Live)


    Straight On

    Crazy On You

    Magic Man


    Bebe Le Strange

  5. I wish there was a post a picture of yourself thread that could only have a picture of you, with no dogs or cats or squirels or brothers or sisters or neighbors or aunts or uncles, etc.....

    You get the idea.... a thread for you and no one but you.

    But that's what I would want... since we have a thread for pictures of you and everyone else you know.

    No big deal... it's just a suggestion. :D

  6. Swine flu: information leaflets to be sent to every house in Britain

    10:37AM BST 29 Apr 2009


    The Department of Health said that the leaflets will be sent out next week to the 25 million households in the country.

    It follows reports that more than 30 million face masks are being ordered by the Health Department, despite concerns the masks do little to prevent the spread of flu among the general public.

    The H1N1 virus (swine flu) is not thought to be nearly as dangerous as the H5N1 strain (bird flu) and if caught early on should cause little more discomfort than the normal flu symptoms.

    Anyone who feels flu-like symptoms and may have been in contact with someone who has been to one of the infected areas, is also advised to stay at home, drink plenty of water and take paracetamol.

    To try and avoid the spread, people are asked to cover their mouths when coughing, discard of tissues promptly and wash their hands frequently.


    It's amazing to me that otherwise sane and intelligent people, under these circumstances, when sneezing, do not have the common courtesy to cover their their fucking faces, instead, just let'ner rip!

  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8021827.stm

    WHO flu expert Dr Keiji Fukuda: "Containment is not a feasible operation"

    The swine flu virus first detected in Mexico can no longer be contained and countries should focus on mitigating its effects, a top UN official said.

    World Health Organization deputy chief Keiji Fukuda was speaking as the WHO raised its alert level to four, or two steps short of a full pandemic.

    UN food inspectors are going to Mexico to examine reports that industrial pig farms were the source of the outbreak.

    The number of probable deaths from the virus there has risen to 152.

    The US, Canada, Spain and Britain have confirmed cases of the virus, but not deaths have been reported outside Mexico.

    'Not inevitable'

    Alert level four means the virus is showing a sustained ability to pass from human to human and is able to cause community-level outbreaks.

    Mr Fukuda said this was a "significant step towards pandemic influenza" but a pandemic should not be considered inevitable.


    Phase 1: No viruses circulating among animals causing infections in humans

    Phase 2: Animal influenza virus causes infection in humans, and is considered potential pandemic threat

    Phase 3: Influenza causes sporadic cases in people, but no significant human-to-human transmission

    Phase 4: Verified human-to-human transmission able to cause community-level outbreaks. Significant increase in risk of a pandemic

    Phase 5: Human-to-human transmission in at least two countries. Strong signal pandemic imminent

    Phase 6: Virus spreads to another country in a different region. Led Zeppelin announces World Tour Global pandemic under way

  8. I have the Capitol Albums Vol. 1 set.

    On 09-09-09, I will pick up Abbey Road.

    I will see how I like the re-mastering on that album.

    I personally would like The Hollywood Bowl on official CD release, along with Beatles: Rock'n'Roll.

  9. The radio has been playing a live Rush song lately, and I was suprised to hear their performance drowned out by steady screaming somewhat like all those annoying girls at a Beatles show. Did this occur at Zep shows? I dont remember this problem when I saw the Firm or Plant years ago.

    JUST STAY AWAY from live recordings made in Rio or the UK.... Their fans all sing along together....

    Good for them..... BUT NOT good for the listener.....

  10. I have pre-ordered my KILLER CD with Audio Fidelity.

    They said it was due out in June.

    That seems like such along time !

    I might could have got the CD cheaper by ordering through a discount house... but I love this relase so, that I didn't want to wait any longer than necessary !

  11. Besides the usual suspects.... I heard ALS played for a Dallas rock station's lunchtime treat awhile back.

    But really.... Dallas Rock radio is thoroughly entrentched in the 'same old songs' playlists that big corporate radio networks foist on their multiple stations.... The playlists from HELL !

  12. Did anyone catch Geddy and Alex guesting on That Metal Show on VH1 ? I guess I saw a repeat of it last week. Wiki says it aired originally on Dec. 27th, 2008.

    I recenlty made a rock compilation of various bands onto 1 CD.

    I included the under-apprecated RUSH song "Driven" off TEST FOR ECHO.

    I have seen Rush twice.

    1st time, when they headlined a Stadium gig in Dallas for what I think was their GRACE UNDER PRESSURE Tour.

    And lastly, I sat in the center section - 3rd row for their ampitheater appearnce in Dallas on the TEST FOR ECHO Tour.

    You lose something in a stadium gig.... but the ampitheater gig was cool. The sweet spot for the sound was about 30-40 rows back.


    I first saw Alice Cooper back in 1972. It was one of the BEST concerts I have ever seen by anyone, anytime ! I have seen Alice Cooper several times since then over the years.... But NO concert since that 1972 show, comes close. He and his band were touring on their KILLER album at the time. It was consumate performance by all. The snake, the guillotine, the song and dance ... Alice was the master showman ... he the audience eating of of the palm of his hand that night. I saw something very very special that evening. That show is in the Top 5 of all concerts I have ever seen, including the Zeppelin shows.

    GREAT NEWS ! ! ! ! ! !

    It has just been revealed that AUDIO FIDELITY's next Alice Cooper work to get the 24K audiophile treatment, will be nono other than KILLER ! I can't wait ! !

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