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Posts posted by SuperDave

  1. Steve,

    I hope this helps. I had a boot of Jimmy playing with Solid Ground and I believe they had a female singer. Also, the drummer looks to have hair so I would say that isn't Chris Slade.

    I can confirm this as well, since I have the same performance. I can recall the female singer talking to Jimmy and asking him for a drink order in this small club. That was rather funny. Very relaxed setting. He had Tanqueray while playing. Played mostly blues standards, but he used way too much distortion. Not a great show, but worth a listen and is good quality.

  2. This isn't an easy one to find one, so numbers aren't usuall y good to leave your choices with only one word that isn't popular in song titles. But I found one.

    We Want The Funk-George Clinton

  3. Unfortunately those speculative threads have been around for sometime. Maybe Sam could create a "Rumours" thread and simply move over all those "Who is going to be the new singer?" posts to there. Would possibly reduce the clutter on the main forums.


    Great idea. That's what I was thinking. It could only help by cleaning up a lot of the trash on this forum. Unfortunately, I also read those threads and respond as well. So maybe I could be part of the problem as well. But I'm not as speculative as some.

  4. A friend gave me that name a number of years ago. There was a show on the Showtime network called the Superdave Osborne Show and he does all these crazy things and gets hurt doing them. It's all done by camera trickery such as him skydiving and the parachute doesn't open. It's pretty funny stuff. On the show he is totally serious about all of this and talks about what went wrong and not why he was so stupid to even try it. It makes for good TV.

    Well, after having a few drinks in my friend's apartment, we'd put on some Zeppelin and I'd get up on his coffee table and play air guitar to Jimmy Page and so he started calling me that name and it's stuck with a few people who call me that.

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